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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Anti-regime protests in Iran

There are confirmed reports from inside of Iran about students protesting in and around the University of Tehran, mainly at Kuy-e-Daneshgah where famous protests against the regime were held in July of 1999 and June & July of 2003.

I have already posted updates on protests against the clerical regime through out Iran, especially in major cities of Tehran & Tabriz.

The Iranian people need lots of international support to be able to get rid of the current clerical regime and replace that with a democratically elected government.

More updates and images can be found at the Spirit of Man blog

Posted by Winston on May 24, 2006 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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Since President Iaminsane was indeed a protesting student himself - and a very active one at that what with his involvement in the hostage crisis - he will be very supportive of giving this new generation of students their voice.

Posted by: ward | 2006-05-24 10:09:58 AM

The demnostrators need media attention! And lots of it! The world needs to know what's happening in Iran!

Posted by: C.H. | 2006-05-24 10:45:21 AM

I truly feel sad for anyone living in Iran who's views are not that of the mainstream Islamic types that live there.

My biggest worry for a country like Iran today is what will a free and democratic election bring. Islam and democracy are two complete opposites. Palestinians had a free election and overwhelmingly voted an Islamic terrorist organization to represent it. Iraq did a very similar thing in its election by voting in a staunch muslim cleric as president.

One can only hope that over time democracy and common sense finds its way into the muslim world. The other ray of hope is that up until the late 70's Shiite muslims, were far more moderate and less ridgid in their thinking than Sunni muslims are or ever will be. That is the one reason I believe over time Iraq and Iran may be better places than they are today.

Unfortunately they will always be pressured and attacked by the more numerous and much more volatile Sunnis from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and secular almost 100% Sunni Turkey.


Posted by: niv | 2006-05-24 12:08:59 PM

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