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Friday, March 24, 2006

News of the Day

Word of Sujiatun reaches a major newspaper:

More on Sujiatun and organ harvesting: Bill Gertz, Washington Times, reports on Sujiatun, and adds something new about the reporter who broke the story: "he had to hide his true identity after being threatened by Chinese government agents." Meanwhile, the Epoch Times has more from the Shenyang witness and a personal account from a medical student on the organ "donations;" World Tribune focuses on the use of inmates' skin for cosmetics in Communist China; and the John Batchelor show highlighted the Communist persecution of Falun Gong.

For more, including the Bush Administration falling down on the job dramatically, look here.

Posted by D.J. McGuire on March 24, 2006 | Permalink


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Alta. cabinet minister kicked out of caucus undemocraticallyu for his free seepch leadership remarks Cabinet minister Lyle Oberg was suspended from Alberta's Progressive Conservative caucus on Thursday for comments he made about an upcoming leadership review of Premier Ralph Klein. Deputy Premier Shirley McClellan made the announcement after an emergency meeting at the legislature in Edmonton. McClellan said Oberg, minister of infrastructure and transportation, had been kicked out of caucus and suspended indefinitely from cabinet. The dictator himself Klein did not attend the meeting. He had others do his dierty work. Oberg, who is a leadership contender, sparked a controversy by telling some of his constituents he wouldn't ask his members to support Klein during a review on March 31 in Calgary. Oberg also took issue with Klein's order that any cabinet ministers wishing to succeed him must quit their posts by June 1 to prevent any conflict of interest. Oberg called the idea "a bombshell" that could backfire. "If I were the premier, I wouldn't want me as a backbencher," Oberg said for "I know where the skeletons are."

Bowup, rotten Gas producingm bad smelling Rednecked Alberta is active, alive and sick

Posted by: "I know where the skeletons are | 2006-03-24 11:41:13 AM

Isn't it nice no one in Albert wants to discuss how bad things some things are in Alberta but they do here like to bash and hate the easterners.

Posted by: Mary | 2006-03-25 10:06:34 AM

The atrocities committed by the Communists are as demented and evil as any committed by the Nazis - and the Communists have slaughtered more people.

The cosmetic manufacturers who buy human skin for their products should be outed for public scrutiny.

Here is where the Oprah Show could play a role.
With her millions of viewers, a call for a boycott on certain cosmetic manufacturers might serve to shine the light on these inhuman practices.

Falun Gong practicioners are guilty of nothing except to be seen as a threat to the Communist Cult.

Posted by: Javahead | 2006-03-25 12:42:04 PM

China is not as bad as Bill Gertz's books make it out to be. I have been there, have you?

Here is more news that has since aired on the authenticity of the allegation:


"Initial investigations by researchers for a US congressional committee have identified the site at Sujiatun as a hospital, where it is suspected organ harvesting occurs but on nowhere near the scale claimed"

Now, if there is no concentration camp, rather isolated instances of abuse and irregularity contrary to Chinese law, then there exists a very different reality than what's alleged.

The congressional committee on International relations, Asia Pacific subcommittee has been contacted. However they seem to be unwilling to help. It may be our government's wish to remain ambiguous on this issue.

My opinion is if this allegation is false, we need to make that clear, so we in the West can not be accused of allowing our ambiguity to be exploited for some nefarious, well-timed, political indictment.

Looks like efforts may be needed to make FOIA request to congressional committee. Private citizens without substantial resource and time will likely meet a lost cause.

There are also many questionable issues surround this allegation:

- Many details about the alleged camp site appears to be lifted from the hospital website's About page, including the alleged number of victims, 6000, which is part of the admission statistics published by the hospital in 2005 (2nd paragraph of About page).


- Hong Kong newspaper TaKungPao investigated the allegations and came up empty:
1) Reporters visited the hospital; the only underground structure found is the septic tank:


2) Reporters contacted Lanzhou University, but alleged arrested students' names do not exists in student registry:


- It appears the surprise discovery of an underground tunnel built by japanese army during 1905-1920 period, back in August 2005 could be the inspiration for this twist of fact.

The tunnel was sealed up by the Japanese then and unknown until it was discovered by a photographer from the 918 WWII museum working in Sujiatun.


When it was discovered in 2005 the tunnel was half *under water*, above link has a picture of it so everyone can get a good idea how this tunnel can, before its discovery in 2001, hold 6000 people,
plus an army of skilled transplant surgeons, nurses, 500-700 jail guards - equipment, rations, and supplies for nearly 10,000 people - all of them eating drinking defecating on top of each other.

And the amazing thing is Sujiatun is a populated close suburb of Shenyang city, with over 150 foreign company and 50-60 foreign family too - "nobody goes in and out of the concentration camp"?

More info about the tunnel, including dimension of the facility:


"after jumping down and passing two holes, we arrive at the entrance of the underground facility. The hallway is 2 meters long and only wide enough for one person. After the hallway is a wider 8 square meter area. After 5 meters we arrrive at 3 meter wide, 2 meter tall underground structure. Cement covers the walls, it's flooded with water 1 meter deep. the structure is about 4 meter under ground, with some of the walls crumbling.

According to Wang TsenJie who discovered it, from above ground estimation it is 2000 meter long [with widest point @ 3 meter], half completely flooded. Water is clear with fish that have no eyes. Some ammunition and human remains have been found [human remain from WWII.]"

(get help from http://world.altavista.com if you can't read Chinese. It ain't a billion people's fault.)

(Just for comparison Guantanamo Bay is a huge base, and it only holds 700 detainees.)

Posted by: bobby fletcher | 2006-04-05 5:27:48 PM

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