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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Entitled to my entitlements
According to Greg Weston at the Ottawa Sun, the Liberals handed out 212 patronage appointments two weeks before the election was called in November. Some of them look to be pretty big time and incredibly notable is the mention of David Dingwall of entitled to my entitlements fame:
One that particularly caught our eye was cabinet approval of the next five-year corporate plan of the Royal Canadian Mint. That particular business blueprint for handling hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars over the next half-decade would have been drafted under the presidency of one David Dingwall, Liberal appointee and troughster extraordinaire, shortly before he left town with over $400,000 in severance. #
This one just raises a hell of a lot more questions doesn’t it? H/t Fighting for Taxpayers.
Posted by Darcey on February 23, 2006 in Canadian Politics | Permalink
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Sorry to get off topic here for moment, but when you have a minute ... check this out .. it's unbelievable.
Posted by: Duke | 2006-02-23 1:34:32 PM
What I find curious is that people seem to be very willing to look at and critisize the Liberals (not that they don't deserve it) but seem completely unwilling to dig too deep into the backroom crap that goes on in Alberta ... seems a bit yellow to me.
Posted by: Ian Patton | 2006-02-23 3:21:14 PM
That comment aimed at me or are you musing? I haven't been in Alberta that long so I am still pretty unfamiliar with the political scene here.
Posted by: Darcey | 2006-02-23 3:28:43 PM
... What I find curious is that people seem to be very willing to look at and criticize the Liberals (not that they don't deserve it) but seem completely unwilling to dig too deep into the backroom crap that goes on in Alberta ... seems a bit yellow to me.
I too got pages of things that Alberta has neglected..
- even the very pretentious, useless police commissions and I too have often dealt with them for the Calgary police and the RCMP too in Alberta about the revenue generating traffic ticket money, quota promotion oriented cops in all of Alberta now
and the patronized appointment of Judges, refuge judges, commissioners In Alberta now etc.
the always living high on the hog aldermen and MLA, Premier in Alberta now
Did anyone forget they sill do not know as to what a real job creation program is or how to attract, set up viable manufacturing business.- non oil and gas industries in Alberta Now.
Believe it or not Alberta is still one of the most racist provinces who tells you to go to your own kind in Alberta now.
The high price of electricity, taxes, insurances always going on, non existence of even basic consumer protection in Alberta now
and while they are trying to set up in Ottawa no one cleans their own backyard in Alberta or their noses.
Then there are those immoral Bylaw officers int he City of Calgary now too who got hung up on the letter of the law over the spirit of law, to included compassions, understandings too.
and my too many bad neighbors who worked for the Calgary city hall and stole from the office, and the stampede grounds too and who took nice out of town trips to England, India to visit their relatives and paid by city hall.
then there is that pretentious useless Law society of Alberta too.
or the city hall workers who drive around all day doing northing.
OK ostriches it is your turn to die a death of Albertan denial next..
Posted by: Fed up too | 2006-02-23 3:47:49 PM
David Dingwall was undeniably now an immoral Liberal person, and too typical of too many of the federal Liberals.
Posted by: paul | 2006-02-23 3:50:57 PM
In Canada taxpayer's money is often abused at the Federal, provincial and municipal levels in all of the provinces too often too. Even the RCMP does it too.
Ten city workers in the Montreal borough of Ville Marie are being docked pay after an investigation showed it took them 90 hours to fill nine potholes. The employees have been suspended and will have their salaries trimmed by one or two days, depending on each individual case. Road-crew workers make about $22 an hour. Members of the city's internal investigation service secretly followed three crews during their shifts last month. The investigation found one team spent six minutes of a nine-hour overnight shift doing the repairs. The team spent another 2.5 hours doing odd jobs, and then filled the remainder of the shift at restaurants or at their home base. On average, the three crews spent only one hour filling potholes. Borough Mayor Benoît Labonté ordered the investigation after receiving hundreds of complaints from citizens about work not being done. Jacques-Alain Lavallee, a spokesperson for Ville-Marie, said the workers can appeal their sanctions. He said the borough is not now carrying out surveillance on workers. "
I saw 6 city hall workers filling in a few potholes in front of my home and they next left 90 percent of the potholes on the street next still too.
It took them next 6 weeks after I called them to fill in one major one too.
by the way i have often been to many of the government offices in Calgary, police stations, city hall too and did you ever notice that most of them are empty during the working days, so where are the employees and why do they need so many offices too still?
I was in one Calgary federal office and almost all of tables were empty, so when I raised my voice and said out load when do o you think i can get some real services around here to the none there. Next like an army of ants coming out of the woodwork in 2 minutes everyone from nowhere came back to most of their desks and pretended they were working. I wrongfully still did not get any decent public services from them.
I also had met this Calgarian fellow who admitted to me he knew nothing at all about computers, nothing at all, he had nver used one, because he had had a nervous breakdown, and recently been discharged from the hospital where he had been there for years too, and he was the anchorage of an Calgary Indian affairs Federal department to purchase, install PC computer network for them. Unbelievable.
OK Ostrich Denials you can go ahead here too.
Posted by: paul | 2006-02-23 4:07:39 PM
The Tories have long been critics of Liberal cronyism, demanding greater visibility and tighter control of political appointments. And they're now in a position to do something about it. But Harper surely recognizes the big difference between hiring a new CEO for the Canadian Mint and selecting a judge for the Supreme Court of Canada... That must lead many to wonder if the hearing is essentially a dog-and-pony show to give the perception of public participation, or if this could be the start of an appointment process that will continue to evolve. A clearly defined, Canadian-mannered examination of Supreme Court candidates is not necessarily a bad thing. But if this revised structure degenerates toward the U.S. "outings", it will undoubtedly cause good potential judges to turn down the opportunity."
Posted by: Coleen | 2006-02-23 4:15:07 PM
"Silent PM forces hungry media to feed on rumours But now, all is quiet. The prime minister is mute, ministers are told to shut up and the media is whining about lack of news. The media is a hungry beast that has to be fed. Starve it and it will begin to digest rumour, scandal and whatever comes dribbling under the door. Provided that Harper can keep his fundamentalist radicals quiet and his ministers' feet out of their mouths, he's likely to be safe for a year or two, particularly with the support of the Bloc."
It does not take much skills, or education to be an immoral news reporter admitting even posting dribble and gossip for the Sun newspaper chain, likley some of the bad posters here can help them too to bash even wrongfuly again the Western standard's also right of free speech?
Posted by: paul | 2006-02-23 4:22:53 PM
"Sorry, Westerners, but it's wooing Quebec time JEFFREY SIMPSON Wednesday's Globe and Mail .Sorry, Albertans and other Western Canadians. We/you now have a Prime Minister from Alberta who might stick around for a while but whose political antenna will be especially turned toward Quebec. Oh no! we/you will shout. Not another PM like that. Can't we have something different? Actually, no. Stephen Harper, of course, will govern with all of Canada in mind, as all prime ministers try to do, but Quebec will be uppermost in his calculations." and it will always be that way next too
for Harper too next cannot have a federal majority government still without having the majority seats from Ontario and Quebec.
Much too few seats in Alberta,
PS I love you all there too.
Posted by: Libre | 2006-02-23 4:27:06 PM
Don't be too hard on government workers. The private sector is full of horror stories. Just go into any major head office in downtown Calgary and you'll see dozens of people scurrying around like rats, trying to look busy. It's just the way it is and we can't change it.
Most of the people commenting on this site are probably on company time.
Posted by: dan | 2006-02-23 4:28:05 PM
Canadians Hope Tories Give 'Fresh Start' to Foreign Relations.
" A recent poll shows Canadians trust Stephen Harper to revive our relations with the U.S. and boost defence spending, yet many fear he'll be just as bad as his predecessor when it comes to aiding the world's poor. As Foreign Minister Peter MacKay makes his international debut in Europe this week, a new poll shows that Canadians have high hopes of improved foreign relations with the new Conservative government at the helm. Canadians' greatest expectation in the realm of foreign policy is an improved tone with the Bush administration in Washington. More than half of Canadians, 57 per cent, believe that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is better-suited than his Liberal predecessor Paul Martin to pursue a cordial relationship with the United States. ( As we do already knw here too the Sun and other liberal news reporters are now even fighting this by promoting a biiter, wrong hatred towords the US, and bashing all of the Americans) "Paul Martin had a rough time with [U.S. President] George W. Bush," ( Paul Martin, unlike Mr. Harper from the Allaince Church, the boozer Martin did not know personaly what a real Christian was firstly so he could not relate to the real Christian Georege Bush but only to Bill Clinton another clearly non christian person, right Monica?) However, on the delivery of foreign aid to nations under crushing poverty is an area where Canadians believe Mr. Harper could fail. About 32 per cent regard Mr. Martin as a bigger champion of the poor, while only 11 per cent point to Mr. Harper. A whopping 41 per cent say neither leader is serious about providing relief to combat global poverty. (The Alliance churches themslves now are known in Canada to many persons as being the rich who despise the poor persons, prentioulsy taking the donations that were to go to the poor people as sated in the New Tesament instead giving it firstly to the Alliance church empire buiding program, to also next make the Alliance church workers richer, and speaking of favoring the rich) Mr. MacKay went to meet British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Commonwealth Secretary General Don McKinnon in London. Mr. MacKay will attend the final ceremony of the Olympic Games in Turin, Italy on Feb. 26, alongside Governor General Michaëlle Jean. He will travel to Brussels on Feb. 27 to meet European officials, including NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer."
R Klein and Mr S Harper do also note that Jesus came firstly to the pooor people to help them, even those eastern bums. Thank you.
Posted by: paul | 2006-02-23 4:43:36 PM
Duke , our braided friend is absolutely right , we`ve got to get rid of whitey. After all the total number of inventions by blacks and Muslims would be , oh about %1 .
Posted by: daveh | 2006-02-23 5:44:10 PM
Hello. My name is Stephen Harper. I'm from Calgary; the economic/political centre of Canada. See my redneck.
BTW, We ordered Don, oops, We mean Lawrence, to write this & he got paid for it by WSLevant. +
His cold-blooded political play for Quebec support with the appointment of the unelected Michael Fortier to his cabinet was another signal of strategic certitude. He reaches out to the Charest government on health care and child care, he brings in many old faces from team Mulroney, he has the gall to give Quebec the major pork-barrel cabinet posts. All this from a Western Prime Minister.
The Harper transition period, courtesy of a Derek Burney team not clicking on many cylinders, has had a slipshod, confused air about it. But, as in the Emerson appointment, it should not be viewed as a harbinger.
The Tories had been out of power for 13 years. A confusion-free transition was hardly to be anticipated.
Few have ever found Stephen Harper to be confused. There is an air of calculation about him and those who will govern with him. As his top bureaucrat, his clerk of the privy council, he has appointed Kevin Lynch. A man of advanced strategic intellect and other strengths, Mr. Lynch has never been known for flexibility or reaching out. Then there is Carolyn Stewart-Olsen, Mr. Harper's highly suspicious confidante and gatekeeper, who sees enemies at every pop stand.
A populist government this will not be — nor will it be one dictated to by the media. As prime minister, you can set the agenda yourself, or you can let the press do it for you. To his credit, Mr. Harper has no intention of being dragged off by the latest journalistic feeding frenzy. It's a gamble. Three earlier Tory PMs — Brian Mulroney, Joe Clark, John Diefenbaker — all got hacksawed by the media, in some cases, for good reason. Mr. Harper seems more inclined to try and ride herd above the fourth estate, as did, quite successfully, Mr. Trudeau.
The new PM's priorities are clear, as is his modus operandi. Certainty is good. Too much can kill you, especially in a minority situation. But it will be refreshing to see a government not flying by the seat of its pants. Canada needs a compass. +
Posted by: maz2 | 2006-02-23 7:23:18 PM
..I think what he means to say is, "All right, I'm a Liberal and we're all thieves, liars and incompetents. But Ralph Klein is a liberal and HE IS TOO!"
yes he certainly is incoherent, incompetent often, and it is because of the alcoholic cough medicine he takes often for his speech impediments. But he does not fool the people outside the province who really do not repect him at all. So he stays home often, boozing likely.
and if he did something he would fail at it, become a big joke again, he is now wise not to try to do anything at all, he just makes many future promises.
The way I too there mow is no difference between an Liberal alcoholic like Paul Martin and a Progressive Conservative drunk like Klein, or the adulterer, ex premier now of Ontario Ernie, when they die for sure they will all continue to hell from the hell homes they are now in too. With their drinking buddies too.
Most Albertans do not want a good leader, they want a pretender who does not spend any of the tax payer money on even the essentials.
Bunch of cheap persons who mow still are busy paying off the very big mortgages on their pretentious big houses that are often still empty inside.
In the East they have smaller homes but they have plenty of furnishings.
In Alberta they love the big, large homes that are mostly empty inside.
I know firsthand, I worked as a Calgary Re-max Realtor and saw about 3000 of them.
I had asked a Doctor from th U of C to go out for lunch and he replied he next could not afford to his was busy trying to pay of his big House mortgage. I went for lunch myself. you can't take the big House with you when you die anyway, better to spend the money and enjoy life, a "Joie de vivre" like they do really good in Quebec.
Try this simply go to a Calgary/Edmonton Coop food store and count how many people there are smiling. Almost none.
Try the same thing in Montreal, Toronto, most of them are.
I approached directly some very happy smiling faces in the Calgary coop and asked where they were from, they were from the East, well that explained it.
Even Ralph looks sad and constipated often, unless until he has had one too many.
Posted by: Mrs | 2006-02-23 7:34:47 PM
Mrs: Dammit, you're right. I'm selling my business, selling my house, and clearing my head. My employees will be relieved to get a much needed break. I'm moving back to NS where everyone smiles all the time. I'll look up all my old friends and we'll start right up where we left off. Except the ones who moved out west. And I guess not the ones who died of overdoses. And the ones who never got to work but just kept partying won't really remember me. My family is scattered out pretty bad but I think I have a cousin who's out of rehab for now. It will be fun. I'll give you my address and we can all smile together.
Posted by: dan | 2006-02-23 7:48:21 PM
....Don't be too hard on government workers. The private sector is full of horror stories. Just go into any major head office in downtown Calgary and you'll see dozens of people scurrying around like rats, trying to look busy. It's just the way it is and we can't change it. Most of the people commenting on this site are probably on company time.
There is a simpole reason for it, too many people are incompetent to do the work,for many people have transfered in, and to cover the high costs of living they took a job and salary that they were certainly not qualified for and next could not do it of course.
We had a manufacuring plant in Calgary, Edmonton and even one in Winnipeg, Montreal, and the manufacturing costs due to the many errors, work in Calgary was twice the one in Montreal. We shut the Calgary plant firstly.
No good managers west of Toronto do tend to exist and the East is still where most of the real design engineering is still being done.
Posted by: Cost control manager | 2006-02-23 7:49:14 PM
Running around like rats with nothing to do ... it was that way also in Pratt & Whitney in Longueil Quebec where I had worked. They had about 8 persons doing the very same job, fighting with each other for work often. It was cause the Feds paid them money to keep people employed. When the Feds cut of the money they let them all go. They became parking ticket cops next some of them even.
Posted by: Whitney | 2006-02-23 7:53:47 PM
"Inmates may have to serve full time, says minister Feb. 23, 2006. WINNIPEG (CP) — Criminals shouldn't automatically receive a free get-out-of-jail card before serving their entire sentence, federal Justice Minister Vic Toews said Thursday. Toews said he wants to look at changing current federal legislation where the majority of criminals who have served two-thirds of their sentences automatically get out of penitentiaries and are put back into the community under supervised release provisions. "It should not just be a right," Toews said while in Winnipeg. ``An inmate should earn it." Toews said there are many programs available to inmates while in prison to rehabilitate themselves and to show that they deserve to be released into the community while still having time still left to serve on their sentences. "Parole should not be mandatory to these individuals," he said. Toews was reacting to a shooting earlier this week of a store clerk in Winnipeg, allegedly by someone who recently got out of prison on statutory release. Under the current Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the majority of criminals are eligible to apply to the parole board for day parole after one-sixth of their sentence and full parole after one-third of their sentence. When two-thirds of a sentence are served, the majority of offenders are automatically released to the community, although they must answer to a parole officer and follow restrictions the court has imposed. A Correctional Service of Canada official has said currently 44 of the 381 people on supervised release from prison in the province are missing and unaccounted for." Firstly the bad sponsorship Liberals should serve their full time in jail as well. Jean Chretien now included.
Posted by: Service | 2006-02-23 11:37:44 PM
speaking of Albertan entitlements
..The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you. (2 Chr 15:2 KJV)
now even applies to all Albertans personally as well
50 percent of all professing Christians generally next do on their own forsake God even for material things.. sad.
Judegment begins at, in the house of God
Posted by: preaching to the others | 2006-02-24 6:37:03 AM
Heaven and hell were inserted into the bible long after the time of Jesus. They were the ultimate carrot and stick. Satan became the boogey man to keep all good boys and girls snug in their beds. Why don't you wake up and stop quoting a bunch of poorly translated ramblings of drunken old men?
Posted by: dan | 2006-02-24 6:43:18 AM
....Mrs: Dammit, you're right. I'm selling my business, selling my house, and clearing my head. My employees will be relieved to get a much needed break. I'm moving back to NS where everyone smiles all the time.
My family is scattered out pretty bad
hey that is so true many Albertans when they retire move out of the province cause it is too expensive to live there so the grandchildren tend to have no grandparents to see
It is also true few Albertans are sad, bitter cause they can't or don't have relatives in Alberta, they had forsaked their relatives when they went West to get a rich job.
Next the generally high rate of divorce in he big cities of Alberta compounds their sarcastic bitterness as we others can see here too
so see you in the East.. all you Western bashes
yes, we will laugh together about the good old days but we will also cry.
yes, it is better to be poor and happy, smiling over even being rich and alone, sad.
Posted by: Gone East | 2006-02-24 6:47:23 AM
..His cold-blooded political play for Quebec support with the appointment of the unelected Michael Fortier to his cabinet was another signal of strategic certitude. He reaches out to the Charest government on health care and child care, he brings in many old faces from team Mulroney, he has the gall to give Quebec the major pork-barrel cabinet posts.
FOR you still also just can't trust any of those politicans to keep their promsies,
(not even the Albertan new pretentious evangelical ones?)
I liked the good old Alberta Bible belt days much better but they are long gone.
Posted by: Coleen | 2006-02-24 6:52:48 AM
... Mr. Lynch has never been known for flexibility or reaching out. Then there is Carolyn Stewart-Olsen, Mr. Harper's highly suspicious confidante and gatekeeper, who sees enemies at every pop stand.
are they Albertans?
just all part of the Albertan entitlements
Posted by: I love Alberta | 2006-02-24 6:55:36 AM
..Heaven and hell were inserted into the bible long after the time of Jesus. They were the ultimate carrot and stick. Satan became the boogey man to keep all good boys and girls snug in their beds. Why don't you wake up and stop quoting a bunch of poorly translated ramblings of drunken old men?
free speech speech in Canada doe snto applie to Christains, oinly toi Mulsims still
15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.
16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
19 And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:
24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:
27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
28 Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance. (Acts 2 KJV)
PS Thanks for the post, the other people do love to make a choice bewtwen another fool 's posting and a wise persons's good post.
Posted by: David | 2006-02-24 7:00:40 AM
Did you notice now as well that even in Yahoo land, the too many rednecks ostriches who still do like to tell Loudly the other people where to go, or what they can and cannot write too,
for these dictatorial hypocrites seem they love to judge others but we can see they have not looked in the mirrors, or dealt firstly with themselves. Sad
are they the real Albertans? or all part of the sad new Albertan entitlements
Posted by: Coleen | 2006-02-24 7:06:42 AM
Yes the Albertan west does believe and practice free speech now
it is the free speech of the others they do not like, all of those easterners.
even the Sun Newspaper does use it's free speech right to promote wrongful hatred of the US still cause they think they now can get more readers next too in comparison to being nice to the US
Posted by: Hey Preacher | 2006-02-24 7:11:28 AM
the Sun Newspaper does use it's free speech right to promote wrongful hatred of the US still cause they think they now can get more readers next too in comparison to being nice to the US all to make more money.
So why does the Sun Newspaper still bash the Western Standard too? the right of free bsuiness competetition of course
I got to go now, my snoopy editor is coming.
Posted by: Coolen | 2006-02-24 7:46:58 AM
Busy working
The federal government has officially terminated a day-care funding agreement with the provinces that would have sent $1.9 billion to Ontario over five years. The deal will be replaced by a direct funding plan that will give $100 a month to families of young children. In a letter sent out this week, Diane Finley, minister of human resources and social development, said Ontario would only get another $250 million of the money promised by Ottawa when Paul Martin's Liberal party was in power. cancellation of the funding deal came as no surprise.
During the election campaign that brought him to power in January, Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised to replace the provincial funding plan signed by his predecessor with the direct subsidy to parents.
Posted by: HarperPR | 2006-02-24 7:52:24 AM
about the 30-or-so mostly-western evangelical Tory politicians provided valuable input to the eastern-based Catholic Mulroney, a group the then-prime minister affectionately dubbed his "God squad. Lloyd Mackey is a member of the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery. He can be reached at [email protected].
next even this did not help the Federal PC who were still all kicked out of office permanently
Posted by: exPC | 2006-02-24 7:58:49 AM
The sleeping giant moves to Ottawa
Christians praying they'll be heard on Hill 'There's a great sense of relief over the fact that the Conservatives are in power February 19, 2006 When dozens of conservative Christians gathered in downtown Ottawa Thursday night to celebrate the opening of the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada, they were applauding more than the arrival of a new religious think-tank on the national stage. Many were also toasting their good fortune at coming to Ottawa at the same moment Stephen Harper's Conservatives had ascended to power.
"For the first time in years," says Derek Rogusky, the institute's vice-president, "Christians and people of faith that have cared about issues such as marriage and families are expecting to be heard on Parliament Hill, and not necessarily attacked for their values. "Under previous governments a lot of us were branded as bogeymen, as somehow un-Canadian, for our beliefs," he says. "I think that has changed with Harper becoming prime minister. The movement is also being fuelled by Roman Catholics who for years have fought political battles over abortion, but until now have rarely have found common cause with Protestant evangelicals from the West. Vote Marriage Canada is a prime example of that. It's a real coming together of evangelicals, Catholics and a smattering of other faiths.There's a sense that momentum has swung their way after many years of waiting."
Posted by: Married | 2006-02-24 8:04:36 AM
Consider that after the last election in 2004, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, an advocacy group representing hundreds of Pentecostal, Baptist and evangelical churches across the country, was the lone national voice pushing conservative Christian values on Parliament Hill.
Today, a burgeoning collection of groups with similar goals has entered the fray.
does that mean the many alcoholics in the governments will next be put on the run?
Posted by: Coleen | 2006-02-24 8:07:29 AM
Even not all Christians now are alike
Even in Alberta
There are 3 types of persons now still too -
1: Non Christian persons
2: Mostly Pretentious, Hypocritical Christians,
3: Practicing real Christians
The Reform, Alliance Conservative party in the 80's was started in Calgary Alberta mainly by the efforts of the many Christians who opposed the bad federal Progressive Conservative governments.
Jean Chretien and Paul Martin wrongfully under realized the silent political strength of the Canadian Christians
Posted by: Truth be told | 2006-02-24 8:25:51 AM
Entitled to my entitlements We citizens all of us are to be heard still and not just at the election times for a start.
The Honourable Stephen Harper is Canada's latest Prime Minister and he deserves the office cause he was elected to it, but he had also honestly, fairly and justly kicked out the past, unacceptable Prime Minister Paul Martin. Now Harper has just got into office, it is much too early to say what he is like still too. There are some related comments of mine though on all of what is happening so far. Rather is has been the clear poor acts of Canada's foreign minister Peter MacKay MP that has been getting most of the attention. All Canadians demand, have the right, and still do want to be treated equally and fairly, and not now mainly the louder, more vocal minorities being given the false, and most of the attention. The clearly silenced federal Conservatives Ministers undeniably, wrongfully do not even acknowledge the citizens letters mailed to them now. Not accepted. We citizens all of us are to be heard still and not just at the election times for a start. I am also the wrong guy for anyone to try to silence still too.
Next the ""Silent PM forces hungry media to feed on rumours But now, all is quiet. The prime minister is mute, ministers are told to shut up and the media is whining about lack of news. The media is a hungry beast that has to be fed. Starve it and it will begin to digest rumour, scandal and whatever comes dribbling under the door. Provided that Harper can keep his fundamentalist radicals quiet and his ministers' feet out of their mouths, he's likely to be safe for a year or two, particularly with the support of the Bloc."
But as we can note it does not take much skills, or education to be an immoral news reporter admitting even posting dribble and gossip for the Sun newspaper chain, likley some of the bad posters there can help them too to bash even wrongfuly again the Albertan Western Standard's also right of free speech? All of the persons who do now still or in the future promote hatred now towards any persons, group, or country like the US even in Canada, even by the pastors, imams, news reporters and their editors , they all should be undeniably immediately fired from their jobs, and criminally prosecuted. The bad and falsely Anti US reporter from the Calgary Sun and his boss now as well included and rightfully so "
Posted by: paul | 2006-02-24 2:02:39 PM
...dan, you have the annoying habit of popping off about matters you demonstrably know nothing about. Nothing in the Bible was put there "long" after Jesus. Everything in the Bible was put there after Jesus died. The doctrines of heaven and hell go directly back to Jesus's lifetime; heaven is mentioned in the Gospel by Jesus Himself, and the doctrine of Hell comes from the preaching of St. Peter. Of course both derive from earlier Jewish belief.
If the Bible is stupid, then it's hard to see what could be smart; and we have no word to describe you... besides demon possessed likely.
It is annoying but I now also got used to the fact that every time some does tell the truth, the devil will send one of his followers to try to contradict it. God himself even allows it so we can all next can make a free choice between listening to a good, true person, prophet or next to a false, lying prophet.
Posted by: paul | 2006-02-24 2:07:37 PM
..Even not all Christians now are alike Even in Alberta
There are 3 types of persons now still too -
1: Non Christian persons
2: Mostly Pretentious, Hypocritical Christians,
3: Practicing real Christians
50 percent of all professing Christians generally next do on their own forsake God even for material things.. sad. Judegment begins at, in the house of God
The Reform, Alliance Conservative party in the 80's was started in Calgary Alberta mainly by PC rejects and by the efforts of the many Christians who opposed the bad federal Progressive Conservative governments. Jean Chretien and Paul Martin wrongfully under realized the silent political strength of the Canadian Christians
and speaking of even the Albertan entitlements
..The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you. (2 Chr 15:2 KJV)
yes it now even applies to all Albertans personally as well.
To simplify it I too do now tend to see two types of Christians, the bad ones, the pretentious religious hypocritical Christians, generally still the non practicing ones, and also the real, sincere Christians.
The second groups of persons are generally referred to as those persons from the tribe of Judah. The first group of rather realy the losers still are generally indicated but the term as Israelites in the Bible, the New and Old Testaments
Those persons who honestly interpret, study the Bible as well can note, see that there are 7 letters addressed to seven different churches in the book of Revelations, each with different admonitions and rebukes to each church, and honest circulars tend to see this expostion rightfully now as not only indicative seven types of churchly Christians, but also seven type of historical epochs of churches too. (Rev 2:1 KJV) Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks 2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. 4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. and you can also see
Here also is what I know In Canada for sure, that the people who make the most trouble or the loudest , biggest noise, uproar, such as even the Muslims Jews, gays, and the evangelical Christians don't always deserve all of the governmental attention they do get, or now, next should get. There are even still other majority, minorities groups that might rather be more deserving of the rightful, political attention firstly as well such as the natives, blacks, and yes many of the Quebecers too even.
Now this distorted relgious based publication has now also wrongfully seemingly tried to make the points that the supposedly best Christians are those often bad Evangelicals from Ontario and the still often bad Evangelicals from the Trinity Western University .. both groups to me clearly seats of real, evangelcial hypocrites. Too many of these arrogant, sinfully proud,, saved for ever Christians evangelicals wrongfully do not accept Charasmartics , Pentacostals, Catholcs as Christians too. The evangelical churches I had been to in Calgary were at least equally bad, for they tended to practise, counsel marital divroce even.
Some of the main reasons they are hypocritical Christians is many of their churches are still mainly cultural, or social clubs rather. This group also tried to make an association of Michael Wilson , yes the new Canadian ambassador to Washington with the Evangelcials. And clearly anyone who was, is friends with the ex PM Brian Mulroney still is not a real Christian now even.
(Eph 5:11 KJV) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. (2 Pet 2:17 KJV) These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. 18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
That is how I rightfully do see it all.
Posted by: paul | 2006-02-24 3:44:56 PM
...charismatics, pentacostals and catholics to some PERSONS are supposedly all non Christians
sadly yes too many christian church groups do not think that the others are christians and that really is even because most of the people in all of the chuches now at least are mostly not really born again from above, practising daily christians still.
Posted by: Coleen | 2006-02-24 5:02:12 PM
Harper Government Ignores Needs of Canadian Families February 24, 2006 OTTAWA – The Conservatives’ decision to terminate the day care funding agreements reached by the Liberal government with the provinces shows that Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his government are out of touch with the reality of hard working Canadian families, said Liberal Social Development Critic Dr. Carolyn Bennett. As well, it would appear the Conservatives are also reneging on their election promise to send $1,200 annual childcare payments to families, said Dr. Bennett. She pointed to Conservative Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s recent comments that child-care agreements will be terminated in favour of a “tax credit” for parents.
“A tax credit significantly waters down an already inadequate promise of about $20 a week that could only buy, on average, about one day’s worth of care,” said Dr. Bennett.
Posted by: Fanily guy | 2006-02-24 5:12:53 PM
OTTAWA (CP) - Security teams are in Afghanistan and Pakistan laying the groundwork for a visit by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to one of the world's most dangerous spots.
The prime minister is considering a visit to Canadian soldiers posted in Afghanistan's unstable Kandahar province to demonstrate his support for the military, sources said.
That visit may happen within weeks and could become Harper's first international trip as prime minister
Canadian troops in Afghanistan would love to see Harper, according to the new commander of front-line soldiers in Kandahar.
Lt.-Col. Ian Hope said a prime ministerial visit would give soldiers a big boost.
"It would be an extremely powerful positive moral effect, not that they are in any way suffering, but someone of that kind of stature would be great," Hope said.
By making the trip so early in his prime ministership, Harper would be sending a signal to the military and to the international community about his commitment to Canada playing a role in the world.
He wants the troops to know his Conservative government also intends to honour its promise to increase resources for the Canadian Forces.
The Tories have promised $5.3 billion in additional military spending over five years, and have said they will expand the Forces by 13,000 full-time and 10,000 reserve troops.
Harper also wants to send the message that Canada takes its international commitments - including the fight against terrorism - seriously.
The United States recognizes Canada's contribution to the war on terror, the U.S. ambassador to Canada said Friday.
Posted by: ARMED FORCES | 2006-02-24 5:17:46 PM
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to ignore the meeting of Canada’s provincial and territorial premiers in Ottawa to discuss post-secondary education and skills training is “totally acceptable”
Posted by: MINISTER OF | 2006-02-24 5:21:01 PM is so nice to be able to read Christian discussions, pro and con from believers and non-believers here.
This is my Canada. Founded on God, but a loving and Gracious God.
Not some neo-extreem legalism that I was once part of.
Some of you maybe were too young to remember the days when being a Christian was looked down upon and going against the flow big time.
Or when the only time you could hear Christian music was on Sunday evenings on a Country radio station from 7-9pm.
I listen to critics, athiests and so on, because in the midst of their banter they hold truth, even in bitterness.
So, yes keep dialoguing, but don't brow beat or "Bible thump", but realize, Jesus spoke few words, but they were powerful.
As you can see I haven't arrived yet, this post is too long
Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-25 1:17:25 PM
>>>So, yes keep dialoguing, but don't brow beat or "Bible thump", but realize, Jesus spoke few words, but they were powerful.
Hey spin Doctor
The whole world could not keep a record of all he said.
when Apostle Paul spoke they were long, and one person feel asleep dead even next.
short messages or long ones, depend on the need.
Posted by: To the bad preacher | 2006-02-25 1:58:47 PM
To those Bible misquoters, now let's be more honest
4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.6
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:(1 John 1 KJV)
16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.(Rev 22: KJV)
He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. (Luke 6:48 KJV)
And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.(Acts 13:39 KJV)
Posted by: Amen. | 2006-02-25 2:05:54 PM
for the non christians, muslims only can make the longer posts here ?
about Jesus short sermons?
(John 21:25 KJV) And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
Posted by: Pierre | 2006-02-25 2:08:45 PM
badpreacher. Not sure if the "spin doctor" was pointed towards me.
I believe you error on the point being made - we're not discussing what Jesus did, but how much he spoke comparatively to arguing.
Yes not all that Jesus said were recorded, but what He did - actions, not words...big diff.
Hint: When challenged by Pharisee's and Saducee's few words. When tempted by Satan, fewer words. And when before Pilot, fewer still. But when a crowd gathered around him, yes He preached, look at the direction of traffic and discourse.
As for Paul, he was a Pharisee of a Pharisee, so I'd guess he would know what he was speaking about, albeit long in discourse, so that example doesn't weigh in here.
Besides look at the direction again. Crowds toward speaker, not blogging towards crowd.
But to compare you or other posters on here with Paul or Jesus to justify lengthy discourse or bible quotations???
Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-25 2:15:43 PM
Pierre, you're making the same mistake as the bad preacher.
Look at the direction of the discussion - people went to hear and see Jesus/Paul speak.
Now look at this blog, a semi-public forum. I didn't come to hear anyone specifically speak per se, so the comparison is way of left base.
Just read the verse you and TBPreacher just quoted and think...
"...things that Jesus did..." - did...did, DID!
As in actions, sermons, healings and so on, not POSTING ON A BLOG.
And just because XYZ does it, then you can too? What rationality is that?
Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-25 2:25:19 PM
dang, now I'm ranting...
Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-25 2:26:04 PM
So you thought she had posted the message for you, feeling sensitive and guilty now are you still?
I just read your own long confusing post here and it seems it is you who firstly are the one who cannot practise what you now preach to the others on making it short.
How do you also know what Jesus had said? where even you there? Is it even indicated in the Bible anwyhere? Show me.
and he Jesus had now preached so long and often that he had to feed the hungry people next too.
It does sounds like you want to be the only one to be allowed to make a post here too. You seem to have a big echoof your self importance too. Reepent.
Get a real life. Do also Stop Judging the others too now and deal with yourself firstly
25 meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
26 nd that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. 2.3:1 this know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, (2 Tim 3:3 KJV)
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? (Mat 7:3 KJV)
Posted by: To tomax | 2006-02-25 2:31:20 PM
Yeah, whatever.
Direction, direction, direction. I didn't come here to listen to you speak, so cut it short eh...
Which eye has the beam now? Your's or mine?
What's that tinkling cymbal I hear...
Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-25 2:35:48 PM
.. on keeping short as posted by another visble religous hypocrite.
for you are not complaining about the other long
posts posted by the the non religious, the non Christians folks here?
such as
feeling convicted are you by the Word?
Posted by: Dave | 2006-02-25 2:41:24 PM
To Tomax as to "What's that tinkling cymbal I hear" from your own vices. A definate proud, foolish person who cannot take rebuke herself and she now still wants to be a boss over the others, to give hher own others advice. Clearly you are a hypocrite. Go to a good church and get good, real pastoral counsling. Apply it firstly to yourself. I roo would still rather see an example of a sermon than merely to hear it preached to the others. A Little Knowledge is too dangerous for you for you use it to brow beat the others.
Posted by: Colleen | 2006-02-25 2:48:51 PM
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