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Monday, February 13, 2006

Comparing bloggers to terrorists

Allen Garr, columnist for the Vancouver Courier newspaper, has taken a look at the Danish muslim cartoons fuss and decided that "The Internet, text messaging and blogs can all be accelerants in the hands of extremists."

Mr. Garr's Feb. 8 column, "Blogs threaten news ethics", which you may read online at...


...quotes Ottawa Citizen columnist Dan Gardner's complains about the "extremism" and bias of many politically themed blogs.

Mr. Garr then goes on to write:

"This is not exactly what we expect from the liberal media in a democratic state. For one thing, we expect there are ethical standards at play. And when they appear to be breached, as many would suggest they were with those notorious cartoons, we expect someone can be eheld accountable. We may support freedom of the press, but still believe ther should be limits."

"We can write letters to the editor, march in the street or threaten to boycott advertisers, demand apologies or go to court."

"Beyond the boundaries of liberal democracies and established media institutions, there are forces that can operate as elusively as terrorists....They can spread rumours that provoke violence, cause ecomonic chaos, and not be held responsible."

I am glad that Mr. Garr qualifies his opinion. That said, surely even the most intemperate Shotgun post would damage society less than, for example, flying a planeful of passengers into an office building. We must be comparing apples and oranges. If rhetorical aggression is truly dangerous, shouldn't the RCMP be investigating and arresting bloggers before they "provoke violence" and cause "economic chaos"?

I would respectfully suggest that perhaps Mr. Garr's comparison doesn't exhibit the standards of decorum and respect that the "liberal media" should abide by.

An astute editor could well have asked Mr. Garr to delete the reference to terrorists and render the sentence "...can now operate elusively and secretly" on the grounds that most Courier readers might regard comparing bloggers to terrorists as a perhaps "unethical" stretch in logic. However, the newspaper liked the comparison so much that it used the sentence as a callout quote beside the column in the print edition of the newspaper.

Well, you might say, why don't you write a letter to the newspaper about this? I don't think that I shall. If the Courier threw such a letter away, and no other letters critical of the column appeared, it would appear to Courier readers that Mr. Garr's logic was irrefutable.

Thus this post. Perhaps weblogs are useful in a "democratic state" after all.

Posted by Rick Hiebert on February 13, 2006 | Permalink


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The fact that the editors behind the anti-Islamic images claim to be exercising free speech while refusing to address Europe's strict censorship laws regarding discussion of the Holocaust and the ongoing imprisonment of historical revisionists reveals the existence of a more sinister agenda behind the provocative cartoons.
"Agents of certain persuasion" are behind the egregious affront to Islam in order to provoke Muslims, Professor Mikael Rothstein of the University of Copenhagen told the BBC. The key "agent" is Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of JP, who commissioned cartoonists to produce the blasphemous images and then published them in Denmark's leading morning paper last September.
The International Herald Tribune, which reported on the offensive cartoons on January 1, noted that even the liberalism of Rose had its limits when it came to criticism of Zionist leaders and their crimes. Rose also has clear ties to the Zionist Neo-Cons behind the "war on terror."

However, when it comes to discussion of the Holocaust, media monitors like Ménard accept without question the government-imposed censorship laws and imprisonment of historical revisionists. At least 4 well known historians are currently in prison in Germany and Austria for writing and speaking about the Holocaust.

"If the issue is really one of free speech, would you publish cartoons making fun of the Jewish Holocaust?" I asked Rose and the editors. "If not, do you at least support the right of newspapers and individuals to raise historical questions about the Holocaust?"

Posted by: John Lungu | 2006-02-13 6:16:04 PM

reality speaking, I give these blogs maybe 2-3 years before they become moderated.

Not from Islamic wingnuts, but western, civilized, cultured lawyers and political correct social workers.

Now, that is a threat to our freedom, not publishing cartoons to inflame retarded "rent-a-mob" types.

So enjoy this dialoguing, and mark my words, we will see it go away shortly.

Hint: UN wishes to control the Internet. Impossible you say? No, all one has to do is go after ISP's, like Telus, Shaw, Sympatico, etc.

Need another hint? Google, MSN in China.


Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-13 6:23:30 PM

Mr. Garr ....

I want to know what's going on in the world, not what you and the elitist paper editors tell me is going on.

Blogs have opened up the world to average people. We are capable of sifting through it and drawing our own conclusions right or wrong. JUST LIKE YOU DO!

The beauty of the internet is that if something goes up that is wrong, there is no shortage of others who will put it right. That what the comment section is for and anyone can reference another site with better information.

It's news for the people by the people. Neat concept eh dude?

Makes your job pretty pedestrian these days. Resume?

Posted by: Duke | 2006-02-13 6:25:05 PM

To John:

Denial of the holocaust is hatred and criminal, pure and simple. Making fun of a false prophet (Mohammed) is not.

Posted by: subscriber | 2006-02-13 6:26:46 PM


Your points are well taken. There are hackers drilling though the China firewall as I type this.
It's not possible to stop the flow on zeros and ones.

If they internet becomes censored as you suggest, an underground version will appear.

Where there is a demand there will be a supply.

Want more proof? Check out the war on drugs.

Posted by: Duke | 2006-02-13 6:28:00 PM

I'm a lawyer, but not particularly cultured or civilized - probably explains why I don't want to see blogs moderated by anyone but their proprietors.
It seems inevitable that somebody, somehow will try to restrain all this so called unrestricted speech. It annoys and threatens too many elements in society.
That's why it's good to support the Western Standard on the cartoon issue - you're supporting your own freedom.

Posted by: nazz rune | 2006-02-13 6:31:17 PM

War on drugs is another issue. You physically cannot monitor 10,000 miles of coastline, but you can monitor 3-5 main connection points on the Internet, called filtering.

Granted, an underground society might work, but to a very limited capacity. Those sci-fi flicks about starting an underground network isn't true.

If anything, that flick (forget the name with Sandra Bollock -that's all I remember*blush*) where a spurned guy puts her name as a wanted villian is true.

One credit card purchase and your nailed. So, no, I don't think we will have the freedom we want. He who controls the Internet will control the world, mark my words.


Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-13 6:34:00 PM

Surely as a lawyer, you know of other ways to express freedom instead of inflaming known rent-a-mobs.

The Western Standard posturing doesn't represent freedom to me, but capitalism, which I guess thrives in freedom.

And I do appreciate the fact I can state I don't agree with Ezra's move in this blog.

So what's the balance? Stating we can post images, but choose not too? That would seem more civilized to me. Cooler heads need to prevail in a society, else we're acting just like those low IQ types protesting in Iran or when the planes flew into the WTC.

Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-13 6:39:44 PM

"Muslims leery after violent attack in Montreal Last Updated Mon, 13 Feb 2006 CBC News As a Montreal Muslim cleric recovers in hospital from what he calls a hate crime, other Muslims are being warned that they could also become targets if they are not careful. Faisal Zirari, 31, says he was stopped and harassed by a man at a subway station in Montreal last Friday. He had just finished prayers and was taking the subway home. " A suspect has been caught and is charged with assault and possession of a weapon. Montreal police haven't definitively labelled the incident as a hate crime, but the investigation is not complete, said police spokesperson Raphael Bergeron. "It might have been a hate crime in this case," says Bergeron. Salam Elmenyawi, head of the Muslim Council of Montreal, Elmenaywi is advising Montreal Muslims not to venture out alone after dark and to avoid taking the metro alone. He says he's heard from others in the community that violence is on the rise. He says many Muslims are insulted in the streets and verbally harassed. "

Well at least the Police caught the bad guy...

and Is someone going to try to blame this on the Cartoons?

Should the bag guy now have his hand chopped of too?

Posted by: Melinda | 2006-02-13 6:41:58 PM

tomax, thinking of The Net? been awhile since watching that one...

I don't believe that blogs will ever be moderated universally, thats the whole concept of the blog. (as a news source) free speech. I follow TV, web news, conservative blogs, liberal blogs, religious blogs, and get all the biased and partisan opinions, views, thoughts, and am forced on my own to decide which is the most believable view (think the idea that all the current riots now were planned by muslim extremists lying in wait the last 4 months)

It is my opinion that someone who follows more than one source (and remembering blogs are much more varied in belief system than the MSM) has a better idea of what is going on. I am listening to CTV news as I write this, following multiple sources at once. Is that a bad thing?

Posted by: Eldon | 2006-02-13 6:49:04 PM

We have already had thousands of People killed by Muslims and they hypocritcaly they had no large protest firstly over that?

I just got my first look at the cartoons


but in the process I had noticed that there has been now many other pictures of the prophet Mohamed on the INTERNET now as well.. and what none of the so concerned of the legal rigths now of others Muslims had complained about the others? why only this set?

cause it put's the prophet in a bad light

I realy do think the whole thing is hypocritcal to protest against

Posted by: Bill | 2006-02-13 6:50:15 PM

Yeah, "The Net".

I'm saying that enjoy the freedom we have right now with the varied sources, blogs and whatnot. I cannot see this continue much longer.

If anything the blogs are the best thing that happened, look how the Gomrey rule got circumvented by Captain's Quarters in the US. That is great. Look how the Liberals disintegrated by all the blogs pointing out the screw ups and corruption.

This is good.

But these power brokers don't like to be told or exposed, so give it time, there will be certain rules and such in place.

They don't have to come after us per se, but after our ISP's, our gateways.

I mean, China is the best example we have of the future of the Internet.

Heck, North Korea, a pee sized country has its citizens in complete control, Internet and all.

Bradbury's Fahrenheit 51 doesn't seem too far off either.

Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-13 7:04:31 PM

Whoops, Fahrenheit 451 I meant

Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-13 7:06:34 PM

nazz rune - exactly.

tomax - I understand that you are just being a pessimist here - but if you’re suggesting we ‘preserve’ our right to free expression by censoring ourselves or by having some state tribunal ‘arbitrate’ what’s acceptable then, in either case, we’ll have given up that freedom.

tomax, you also wrote: “Cooler heads need to prevail in a society, else we're acting just like those low IQ types protesting in Iran or when the planes flew into the WTC.”

You’re suggesting that the publication of some controversial cartoons in a free society is somehow equivalent to mass murder? Astounding!

Posted by: JR | 2006-02-13 7:50:34 PM

I would say that the fear of criticism is at the heart of all of this.

The Islamists fear criticism because it may undermine their totalitarian view of the world.

Ditto for the LIberal/Leftist/Statist fools who fear being challenged.

Ditto for the proponents of Politcal Correctness the most shallow and empty of all ideologies.

The internet has provided a haven for those who have had no other means to regularily express themselves in a wide public forum.

This is the only democratic forum in existence that allows the scope of world wide access. It is a first in the history of man. It needs to be defended and protected. Not by controls or limits but by the continued exuberance of the people who use it.

As for Allen Garr....what supposed ethics does he and the MSM hold and uphold that we should use a guide?
He is threatened by the fact that others are free to say what they please. Basically Garr is a liberal/statist who enjoys his status quo protection as "legitimate" and sees the blogs as a threat to his own credibility. I say he is his own worst enemy.

Unfortunately Tomax has a point about where the threat to our freedom lies. When the threat of economic sanction looms over the gatekeepers of the internet they have already shown quite clearly how they will respond. Be prepared for more of the same.

Posted by: PGP | 2006-02-13 8:21:49 PM

Canadians, by NOT electing another Liberano gov't scored a HUGE VICTORY for Freedom in this nation. Mr. M.Strong, former adviser to Paul Martin, had great ideas for putting us 'peons' in 'our place' - in ignorance, poverty and chains - in strong's opinion , only elitists like himself should have access to creature comforts (like heat in a decent house). Mr. Harper's victory owes a great debt to the Western Standard Magazine. The fearless, talented writers of this magazine uncovered the dung heap under which we were living, the Liberano Party. The WS writers gave Canadians insight into how their money was being used to enrich the 'entitled', it NAMED the Oil for Food criminals, it uncovered too many stinking scandals to list and it still does!! Blogs like Shotgun, Captain's Quarters , Smalldeadanimals, Angry in the Great White North, Taxpayers, etc were right beside WS every day. A scandal a day for days and days - it made a person sick and it made me furious. I just watch MSM to laugh now - the MSM talking heads are not news broadcasters, they are big Liberano/Dipper jokes!! I DO resent paying this for bad comedy though. SDA, Angry and WS, you are plowing the way for freedom of the press once again and I thank-you from the depths of my soul, once again. As for the Islam's apologists - YOU ARE NOT WOMEN. Do you secretly hate women, if not, stand up for us. BTW Strong's internet was called e-speed. It might still be on google - with his 'kyoto plan"!!

Posted by: jema54j | 2006-02-13 8:26:44 PM


Hehehe, that's great stuff. The Western Standard, Fox News, and all other Right Wing Media (RWM) is funny as anything. I picture all you guys sitting on your porch, bug-eyed with a rifle. Now I'd love to see a cartoon of that...hey look, Elmer Fudd is on!

Posted by: Lawrence | 2006-02-13 8:54:24 PM

I cannot understand why some people would compare the Holocaust to this situation. Please do the effort to read the historical facts. More than 6 millions jews incinerated in gas furnaces. And the survivors of those people.

And the Jews took their courage into their hands and with the help of God, they returned to their land. Now they are again facing horrendous threats. Wake up, lift your heads and try and see the light.

Posted by: Rémi houle | 2006-02-13 10:18:59 PM

Western Standard: thank you for supporting Denmark, and hence democracy; freedom of expression including religion and freedom of the pres, against ignorance and fanaticism that are challenging democracy under the cover of Islam and - ask for and buy Danish products!!!!

Posted by: K Palsgaard | 2006-02-13 10:44:47 PM

I'm not equating cartoons to mass murders, but saying that we, as the "civilized and cultured" high society should not stoop down to this mob mentality level of "us vs them". We know who we are and we know their leadership is a few screws loose, so what do we have to prove?

IN other words, so what have we gained in the last 24 hours by this "show of freedom"? More subscriptions? Wow.

What does the Western Standard stand for? To support freedom? We have a twisted sense of values. People are dying, young school girls being beheaded because they are 'Christian' and we are "strongly encouraged" to buy a Western Standard to support freedom.

What spaceship did some of you get off of???

If that was your daughter, would you be upset over some cartoons not being published? Egad.

Plus correct me if I'm wrong, Ezra said he only put two pages worth in this publication. Why not devote a whole issue on the Islam problem from a level headed facts only approach if this is a cry for freedom. Why only eight cartoons and not the tweleve? Why eight. You see this is a thin viel to hide one's ambition to be recognized.

Why not list all the atrocities committed by radical Muslims since 1972 in Munich and go from there. Then list all the denunciations and rebuttals the Muslim leaders have done and one can clearly see this is a cult.

Why not ask various leaders to explain parts of the Koran about killing infidels and so on and how it relates to non-believers like uh, Christians.

Why not ask why they have such a hatred for Israel. Then ask why no Muslim country will take in the Palestinians.

You see, there are other ways to expose Islam as a cult or show them for what they really are - barbarians.

But, at the same time we owe part of our advanced culture to these same barbarians - because that is where our math, our numbering system the 1-2-3-4 symbols originated. The Middle East is also where some of our renaissance came from.

These nomatic people are a fierce warrior and the best thing is to keep a distance from them.

Inciting them with cartoons was not a wise move, but that's not the real reason for what has transpired these short 24 hours.

...Don't panic, Western Standard's website is back up (who was panicing?)... and please remember if you believe what the WS stands for you need to show it by subscribing.

Never mind about writing to your MLA, MP, or phoning Stephen Harper, because you know, as the interview went, that doesn't seem to do much...but pleasantly surprize.


Posted by: tomax | 2006-02-13 10:50:32 PM

I can remember back in the fifties when everyone was getting a new TV. We all thought the Movie theatres would empty right out and die, but they didn't.

Other than the fact that Hollywood has so lowered the bar in recent years, it's still a viable entertainment form.

My point: The MSM is feelding over-threatened by the blogs. They are only now becoming aware of them and what they are all about. They are still in shock many of them and of course, hate what they don't understand.

They won't go away, but they may now be forced to redefine themselves and that can only be good.

Some of the music industry waited too long to do this and they are going away fast.

As far as governments role in this, they may use the bleatings of the MSM to try to take more contol, but it won't work. If we had never had this, it wouldn't matter ... But we have had a taste of it and I know that there are multitudes of addicted bloggers and onliners of all sorts.

Where there is a demand there is a supply and where a will there is a way. How do you think we got this far down the freedom line anyway?

I don't think anyone can take this away from us now without enslaving the entire population.

There's no profit in an enslaved people. Check out the countries that have tried and some that still are.

Posted by: Duke | 2006-02-14 12:15:33 AM

Excuse me but aren't these radical muslims the same ones that cheered after 9/11?
And what about burning other countries flags and effigies of their Presidents? It seems to me they are hypocrites. Everyone is supposed to honor and respect them, but they can do and say anything they want. And the people that support them are cowards! "Oh, please don't offend or make them mad at us. They might hurt us."

Posted by: E. Roth | 2006-02-14 7:34:27 AM

Garr is a pussy who will eat buckets of crap if a fanatic threatens to burn his house down for telling the truth.

As for the net and muslim fanatics, I doubt the majority of these medieval
creeps rioting in the streets even reads let alone has a broadband account.

Posted by: WLMackenzie redux | 2006-02-14 8:01:09 AM

The reaction to the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad Cartoons from the Islamic community itself, politicans and the news emdia firstly has been unacceptable and even comical. On the one hand many imams, leaders of the Muslims community have seen the cartoons and yet they next do oppose others to see it and why?

"Torornto Star - Publication of cartoons defended Magazine reprints controversial images Small bookstore chain refuses to sell issue Feb. 14, 2006. 01:00 AM OTTAWA—Ezra Levant, publisher of The Western Standard, says publications that refused to show the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad did so out of cowardice, and hid behind political correctness and religious sensitivity. ... "The (Toronto) Star doesn't want to offend religion?" he said. "The Star pokes fun at Christian ministers and (U.S. President) George Bush's Christianity ... we live in a liberal society where we get to debate these things without fear. And the Star probably goes farther than anybody, except maybe the CBC, in offending Christians." ... Western Standard reporter Kevin Steel argues that North America's journalism community seems "to have buckled" in the face of accusations of political incorrectness, pointing out that the CBC, the Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail and the National Post all decided not to print the cartoons.. "Journalists have never allowed themselves to be so restrained by the sensitivities of other religions," he wrote. "When western artists submerged a Jesus figure in urine or smeared a portrait of the Virgin Mother in elephant dung, news editors did not shy away from broadcasting the offending images.".. Don't tell me that 100 editors, publishers, TV producers have uniformly and unanimously suddenly got religion. I have not seen this uniformity when there is a court-ordered publication ban," he said. "It's a de facto publication ban and the enforcement is not Canada's constitutionally valid laws, but a de facto fatwa issued from the streets of Tehran.".. Meanwhile, a small newspaper in largely Muslim Azerbaijan published a derogatory caption over a picture of Jesus Christ in what the editor said was a response to the Danish caricatures. .. And an Iranian newspaper's contest for cartoons about the Holocaust, launched yesterday, quickly drew two entries — one from Brazil and one from Australia, the paper said."

Muslims are full of righteous fury about the disrespect shown to their religion. But the same demand is long overdue to be made of Muslims themselves. The cartoons have now have mainly put Europe into the cross-hairs of Muslim rage. This is so because Europe is where it all actually happened. But it is so no less because the role of religion in public life which is an everyday issue in the U.S. but not in Europe, which post-Christian and secular, it's an oddity, unfamiliar and uncomfortable about Islam being forced now down their throats, as well as the visible inconsistency of the Islamic preachers who criticize others, but do not examine themselves firstly. The cartoon crisis is going to magnify not only the popular European opposition to Islamic immigration and to multiculturalism, a phenomenon already evident in Holland (because of the murder of popular filmmaker Theo Van Gogh by a Muslim fanatic) and in France, because of the outbreak of violence in its immigrant ghettos, but a world wide one too.

"Perhaps the worst insult to a religion in recent times took place four years ago in Afghanistan, when the Taliban demolished the giant, 2,000-year-old statues of Buddha at Bamiyan. Here were Muslims wantonly destroying the beautiful artifacts of what is surely the world's gentlest and most accommodating religion. The Taliban, of course, represents only a small minority of Muslims. But when that desecration occurred there were no mass protests against it throughout the Islamic world. The harm done by Muslims to another religion stirred little sympathy, or apology, from the Muslim umma." Muslims deserve to be called to account for their indifference to the values of others — the incessant racist comments about Jews in Arab newspapers and school texts as another example and of the Christians.

Posted by: Justin | 2006-02-14 8:04:09 AM

But even bloqs are abused for there are good and bad blogs as we all can know where some bad Blogs are written to let the person who started them to praise their own navels and if you do not do that they erase your free speech message.

Posted by: Blogger | 2006-02-14 8:12:08 AM

Sadly we also already do know that Muslims like to escalate issues for the sake of the prophet Mohammed too.. "The Montreal Police also had there is no reason to believe a recent attack on a Muslim imam was a hate crime. Faycal Zirari who was wearing a traditional Muslim skull cap when a man who psoke in spanish punched him inside a subway car on Friday night. The 31-year-old Muslim cleric and two companions followed the suspect as he fled and tried to restrain him outside. The suspect was armed with a knife and Zirari suffered cuts to a leg and an arm. His friend Ressam Chargui, 26, had an eye and an arm injured. Although some members of the Muslim community immediately called it a hate crime, Montreal police say that does not appear to be the case. "We have no information right now telling us this is a hate crime," said police spokesman Stephane Eid. "

Posted by: Reality | 2006-02-14 8:35:18 AM

Interesting to note that in comparing bloggers to terrorists, they have used the word ("terrorist")that they refuse to apply to people who actually DO fly planes into buildings.

Clearly, if you kill people you are an "insurgent" and if you blog about how bad "insurgents" are you are a "terrorist."

This is the media's ethics.

Posted by: Warwick | 2006-02-14 8:43:21 AM

After reading your comment about Mr. Garr, I read his blog and the specific article referenced. I find it interesting that there is no space immediately after the article for comments. While it is possible to write a letter to the editor of Vancouver.com, it is not quite the same as this forum

Posted by: Alan Neumann | 2006-02-14 10:12:55 AM

Please, folks, don't become too aggravated by the works of one A. Garr, and his assertions that bloggers are modern-day terrorists. You might note that Mr. Garr deliberately chooses to isolate a very small portion of the facts(note not ONE reference to an Egyptian paper printing the "offensive" material with NO repercussions, or that it took a quarter of a year of frantic lobbying, with the addition of fake images inserted by radical islamists, in order to get the ball of violence rolling), which allows him to conveniently turn the table of blame to us "dangerous", right-of-center, neanderthals. Mr. Garr is known here in Vancover, mostly for his penchant toward over the top rhetoric, but also for his willingness to simply ignore any facts that tend to interfere with his smug, self-centred, sanctimonious, oh so Canadian leftist, view of the world. Like most of the politically correct crowd, Mr. Garr knows exactly what is wrong with the rest of us, and has no problem at all with telling us all about it! But, in order not to sink to the level that Mr. Garr proudly places everyone who does not agree with his "progressive" thoughts, the man is so far out in left field, that not only has he left the building, he's also left the ballpark, about four hundred feet back. It is this ability to draw a bow so long that it even stretches credulity, that has allowed Mr. Garr to elevate his career to where he is today. To wit, lead columnist for a small, local, free paper, that anyone who keeps a budgie at home knows exactly what to do with!

Posted by: RJ | 2006-02-14 10:20:34 AM

Re: Allen Garr comparing bloggers to terrorists

I does not surprise me in the least that Allen Garr and other mainstream media types are running scared over the explosive proliferation of the blogger phenomenon. WQhagt Mr. Garr and others do not want to deal with is the fact it was the mainstream media itself that gave rise to blogging through their refusal to allow any voices, other than those that agreed with their narrow view of the world, to be heard or seen in print or on the airwaves. North America and Europe are educated, free societies in which all citizens are permitted to express their opinions. So you created the need for bloggers. And they are now able to express themselves without being sensored through the filter of some left-leaning liberal editor. Well Mr. Garr et al we don't need or want you anymaore. And since we make up a substantial part of the population it is only a matter of time before advertisers and subscribers wake up to that fact too. So thank you Mr. Garr, coming from you I will wear the label of "terrorist" proudly. I do so because the only ones terrorized by bloggers are the now irrelevant mainstream news media.

Posted by: Bill McIntyre | 2006-02-14 11:18:13 AM

Libs already want to shut down blogs!


Now I wonder if the liberal sight that does the same thing


is in contravention of the same election laws too or just the conservative sites.

I suppose it's only wrong when conservatives do it. The NDP one seems ok too.

No complaints from the liberals about them.

What about journalists who support one party should they be shut down? Did the CBC have to claim for all their governor generals?

Will it mean that a liberal win would cut back the money they give to third parties like EGALE and NACSW who then use it for election advertising backing liberals.


Posted by: ghollingshead | 2006-02-16 2:44:49 PM

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