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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Those Ignorant Americans

As promised, my brother, on a business trip in Texas, did indeed report back on the smile on George Bush's face when the results of our election became clear:

I am looking out the window of my hotel room; it looks vaguely down toward the Texas State Capitol, a very beautiful building...My guess is the spirit of Dubya there has at least a small smile on now, if he cares a wit about the sillinesses of current-day Canada.

This evening, he made this observation:

The Austin American-Statesman...had a front-page story on the Canadian election with a nice picture of Stephen Harper. I found this utterly remarkable - perhaps the smile of the spirit of George Bush infected their newsroom.
A question struck me. Texas has a population over 20 million, so as a political entity is not far off the significance of Canada. Would a diligent reader of The Globe and Mail have any idea who is the governor of Texas? Or have seen his picture on the front page? Of course, Canadians are far better-informed about the rest of the world than Americans.

Double touche!

Cross-posted at Wonkitties.

Posted by wonkitties on January 24, 2006 | Permalink


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If Texas was independent we'd probably all know the name governor. In fact, he'd be stock comic figure among bien-pensants the world over.

Posted by: Intellectual Pariah | 2006-01-24 9:29:48 PM

I think it is Kinky Friedman,Or that woman thaT IS RATHER OLD BUT STILL SEXY.

Posted by: wallyj | 2006-01-24 9:58:40 PM

This is an observation I have also made for years. I travel a lot to the US (just got back tonight, actually, more on that later), and do I find them, on average, not very enlightened on the world around them? Yes. But guess what? I travel even more within Canada, and I find that Canadians are just as clueless. Even worse, while Americans have a decent sense of what’s going on in their own backyard, Canadians don’t.

I find it ironic how southern Ontario is a hotbed of anti-Americanism -- basically for no other reason than that the U.S. doesn’t pay attention to us (unless they’re flooding greenbacks into Toronto during caribana or the Gay Parade ), but we’re so oblivious that most of the rest of this country hates our guts because we act the same way towards them.

I once sked my university-aged brother and some of his friends what the capital of BC was? The consensus was Vancouver. I asked then followed up by asking them the difference between Saint John and St. John’s and only two of the 4 of them got the provinces right. Rather than embarrassing them further, I just asked one more: who was our WWII PM? One answered Mack King right away, but I’m pretty sure by the look on the others’ faces that at least two of the three didn’t have a clue. These are urban, educated, so-called enlightened 20-somthings, folks, who don’t have a freakin clue about the basic geographical and historical landscape of Canada. Are my brother and his pals especially stupid? Maybe. But I don’t think so. If Rick Mercer did his man-on-the street shtick with average young Canadians on Yonge St., I think the country would be astonished by what they’d hear. But of course, demeaning Canadians don’t pay the bills, eh Rick? The point is, I’m sure many young Americans couldn’t point Turkey out on a map, but they sure know the capital of North Dakota.

Anyway, I just got back from Vegas for a trade show. Last night, I had my wife calling me every 30 minutes with election updates. This led to discussions around the table, and surprisingly, 4 or 5 out of the 8 other players were pretty aware of the election, Harper, Martin, etc. Maybe they ran into a bunch of other Canadians over the weekend and were told of the event during conversation -- I don’t know. I’m just putting it out there.

Posted by: Stopthetrain | 2006-01-24 10:12:41 PM

Brit Hume is talking about the election on Fox now

Posted by: Stopthetrain | 2006-01-24 10:19:07 PM

pretty extensive report too. I don't watch CNN, anyone know how they've covered this?

Posted by: Stopthetrain | 2006-01-24 10:21:59 PM

Hey wonkitties - as much as you're a f'kn nutbar I think the censorship of your last post is unfair.

You wrote about Harper having good sex with his wife after winning the Prime Ministership (though you didn't mention he FAILED to achieve the ridings that would make the Conservative government ACTUALLY EFFECTIVE - so it was good sex but the orgasm WAS FAKED).

Anyway it was nice to read a post from a ShotDumber obsessing about politician's sex lives rather than the sex lives of gay people - a topic quite a few shotdumbers love to think about, write about and think about some more.

So more posts about Harper screwing his wife! Stop the censorship Ezra or is this what happens when you people get in power?

Posted by: justin | 2006-01-24 10:43:18 PM

Now a Yankee, I grew up in Regina and Toronto before taking off for the states some forty years ago. As a political junkie I want to wish my friends and relatives to the north the best, whichever side of the fence (or pentagon) they're on. Good luck too to Stephen Harper, the closest thing to a Texan that you're likely to find in Canadian politics. It'll be interesting to see how long a honeymoon the MSM up there will give him before they get the knives out.

Prediction: My bet is that "W" will find it convenient in the next month or two to settle the softwood lumber issue in a manner favorable to Canada. This will help him and our economy by reducing building material costs significantly, so it could be a win-win situation. Later.

Posted by: Doug Wood | 2006-01-24 10:52:26 PM

It's all Harper all the time on Fox. Hume just had a 10 minute discussion panel with fred barnes of weekly standard and someone from NPR on the Harper win...

Posted by: Stopthetrain | 2006-01-24 10:57:35 PM

One must not forget that US is a very large and crowded country. It is kind of normal that they don't know everything.

On the other hand Americans tend to be convinced there is no country like theirs, so why bother? I admit they are a little arrogant.

But what about Frenchmen? In Québec, we used to call them "les maudits français" which means those French bastards. Because they pretend to know everything and say it is better in France.

Posted by: Rémi Houle | 2006-01-24 11:07:51 PM

"On the other hand Americans tend to be convinced there is no country like theirs, so why bother? I admit they are a little arrogant."

As an American, I will admit this. Americans tend to like other countries well enough, but really don't concern themselves with the domestic politics of other countries at all, outside of broad caring about whether countries are dictatorships. We do care about whether a country is a friend that supports us, and about their foreign policy.

It is irritating when Europeans insult Americans because most Americans don't know the location and capitals of various European states, when Europeans are equally clueless about U.S. states. Why is it so ridiculous when Americans can't place Norway, Sweden, and Finland in their proper positions on the map, yet when Europeans are equally clueless about many of the twenty US states which populations larger than Norway or Finland, or many of the ten states with populations larger than Sweden, no one finds this ignorant?

Posted by: John Thacker | 2006-01-25 9:47:31 AM

Uh, John,
Those European 'states' you speak of are actually sovereign countries...most Europeans look at the US as one country, and usually call it America.

Posted by: beancounter | 2006-01-25 10:07:54 AM

"Those European 'states' you speak of are actually sovereign countries...most Europeans look at the US as one country, and usually call it America."

'State' is a term for a sovereign country as well; in fact, that definition shows up first in many dictionaries.

"10. A body politic, especially one constituting a nation: the states of Eastern Europe."

I was intentionally using the same word because it applies in both cases.

Now, once the EU really gets going, does that mean that things will change?

Posted by: John Thacker | 2006-01-25 11:04:16 AM

This entire site (esp. this line of thought so deep it sinks into the abyss) reminds me of what it was like to worship Irene Daniloff in grade school.

Quick you guys, get your wee wees out. Bush is coming on Fox.

Posted by: The Big M | 2006-01-25 1:09:12 PM

This entire site (esp. this line of thought so deep it sinks into the abyss) reminds me of what it was like to worship Irene Daniloff in grade school.

Quick you guys, get your wee wees out. Bush is coming on Fox.

Posted by: The Big M | 2006-01-25 1:09:42 PM

Big M

Wasn't it Clinton who got his wee wee out when he saw Bush?

Posted by: Huck | 2006-01-25 2:06:34 PM

Huck; now that was funny!! Wasn't particular about the bush either!

Funny how he found the time he was so busy doing deals to get nuclear technology to North Korea and Iran; and turning down the requests from the Sudanese to turn Bin Laden over to the US. But then I guess it doesn't take long if you really "did not having sex with that girl". It would be funny if it didn't get people killed; sadly it has.

Posted by: Richard | 2006-01-25 5:00:48 PM

At least now we might see an end to the American democratic influence on my country.

I don't know why Canadian lefties need to be held up by the American democrats (like fatman Moore) and I was becoming concerned about Canadian culture becoming even further influenced by the American culture. Thank goodness we had Chretien and Martin to protect our Canadian identities from Americans. I was starting to become worried that we might see a Canadian election between the Liberals and the Republicans.

Ed the Hun

Posted by: EdtheHun | 2006-01-25 5:22:50 PM

Amen to that Ed. The influence from the left was; and always will be far more harmful than from the right.

Posted by: Richard | 2006-01-25 5:41:27 PM

Stopthetrain: You are bang on about the ignorance of the average Canadian. Mercer's questions to Cdn's. about the U.S. would be very similar as the way he does it with the U.S.

But how many Canadians would want to laugh at themselves when the big bad U.S. is such an easy target.

Posted by: MarkAlta | 2006-01-25 6:01:20 PM

ebt; very good insight on the subject. You call the Liberals stupid; I think not; they are very good at what they do and as evidenced by some of the left wing drivel; some of which is written above They have managed to indoctrinate a good many people into their anti American; anti right rant. Support them at any cost; even if it costs you your country. While these leaders and their sheeple bray about our "high Canadian values" one has only to look at the American system to see the many flaws in ours. They truly have the most democratic system in the world; even their president can be recalled (impeached); unlike Canada; in which Martin was ready to take out the only clause that prevented him from running a total dictatorship. They have the built in checks and balances that a two party system offers which keeps them at least a little humble. And the most important thing is the term limits that a president can sit in office. I have always thought we are about 10 to 15 years behind the learning curve than the US; I hope we can learn from out mistakes and get back on track before it is to late. As was said by another poster on this site; I would rather stand with the US; than against them.

Posted by: Richard | 2006-01-25 6:36:46 PM


I'd like to add though that as 'smart' as the liberals have been, they have been slowly, but surely, undermining the very base that purportedly they claim to represent. While politicians on both sides of the border can 'talk' about the great relationship these close neighbours have, at the rock face there is much hostility.

I sure wouldn't want to be in the export business sending products into the US. Especially with the Cdn $ being what it is. I suspect that we will see a significant downturn in the business environment in the regions of the country who so strongly support the anti-American party of Canada (NDP/Liberal, same thing, as Buzz).

Ed the Hun

Posted by: EdtheHun | 2006-01-25 6:50:13 PM

Ed; I couldn't agree more;

I'm just saying they are doing it in a very systematic and purposeful way. Like the left in the US they simply hate their own country and can't work fast enough to tear down the traditions and values that built these great nations. They can't wait to get the constitutional changes they need to get their ideas passed and then pass them off as "progressive". I agree with you they are only hurting themselves (or should I say their fellow country men) but when has that ever stopped the left? There is no question this country is only a step away from becoming a fully socialized/communist state. And it is incredible to watch these sheeple blindly follow that path. But; just as they underestimated the people down south they have underestimated the heartland of Canada as well. There has been much made of the difference's between East and West; city and country; but as in the US is has become a culture war; and its a war the right will win. It's one we have to win; or we are all simply doomed.

Posted by: Richard | 2006-01-25 7:15:06 PM

Ed; I couldn't agree more;

I'm just saying they are doing it in a very systematic and purposeful way. Like the left in the US they simply hate their own country and can't work fast enough to tear down the traditions and values that built these great nations. They can't wait to get the constitutional changes they need to get their ideas passed and then pass them off as "progressive". I agree with you they are only hurting themselves (or should I say their fellow country men) but when has that ever stopped the left? There is no question this country is only a step away from becoming a fully socialized/communist state. And it is incredible to watch these sheeple blindly follow that path. But; just as they underestimated the people down south they have underestimated the heartland of Canada as well. There has been much made of the difference's between East and West; city and country; but as in the US is has become a culture war; and its a war the right will win. It's one we have to win; or we are all simply doomed.

Posted by: Richard | 2006-01-25 7:15:58 PM


We remain in agreement. In the US (like it will be here one day soon), when you have a conflict where one side has values (that people understand) relative to a side where values are not tangible (i.e. the idea that protecting rights (not defined further)somehow overrides a society's principled opposition to the concept of polygamy) will result in the support of most people for the position that they understand. The position of supporting rights as being the absolute minimum is a very difficult sell to the common folk who just don't want to see their society as being one big, social cesspool.

In Canada, even the recent additions (i.e. immigrants) will learn what liberals mean when they purport to support rights. Once they become knowledgeable, there will be a stampede towards the parties that stand for the same values that they generally reflect. It is at that point that the liberals will then only have the support of those who don't see a problem with abhorrent behaviour, which for me, polygamy reflects.

Ed the Hun

Posted by: EdtheHun | 2006-01-25 7:26:50 PM

I am American. I live in Canada with my Canadian wife. That said, my wife votes Conservative (social) and I vote Republican (usually Independant, like Pat Buchannan). We are pro-life, pro-marriage, and Traditional Roman Catholics. It is our goal to repopulate Canada, starting with our gorgeous daughter. We are the first wave!;)

Seriously, it has taken decades of baby-steps and pavement pounding for Conservatives in America to get to where we are. We still have a ways to go. Example: Roe v. Wade will not be overturned in the US Supreme Court because it is in the best interest of federal government to keep the conservative Christian votes coming on account of their (neo-cons) empty promises. Roe v. Wade is now being fought by the individual state legislatures. Mississipi has almost total victory with only one abortion clinic to be shut down. THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT!!! South Dakota and Tennessee are next:):):)!!! We will welcome Canada to our side one day!!! Time to set fire to the communist, anti-Christian paper tiger.

Posted by: John B. Hafford | 2006-01-26 1:52:10 AM

This is John B. Hafford. I just posted.
Check out my new name. Please call me by it:)

Posted by: ChiefKickingAss | 2006-01-26 1:57:04 AM

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