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Friday, January 06, 2006
Keep your laws off my body
Chen Guangcheng is a pro-choice activist who was beaten by Chinese police. He's now being held under house arrest, with his family.
Why haven't North America's loudest pro-choice lobbies come to his aid?
Is it because, to them, pro-choice is only a euphemism?
Posted by Ezra Levant on January 6, 2006 | Permalink
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Speaking of hypocrisy ... if there were a building in my city where people were killing 30yos in their sleep and no one were stopping it, I would lead a team of protesters to stop it. I would take up arms to stop it. I would even consider torching the place to stop it. Mass murder like that is intolerable. So when anti-abortion types say that abortion is murder and do no more than picket a clinic (if that - some just stay home), do you think they REALLY mean it? The one or two who shoot abortion doctors probably do mean it, but none of the others do. Their inaction to forcibly stop abortions is proof of that.
"Why haven't North America's loudest pro-choice lobbies come to his aid?" Maybe because there are only so many battles one has the resources to fight and the pro-choicers think they can do more good fighting the ones at home (where democracy makes a positive result more likely). Or maybe you're right. They are not pro-choice. They just hate fetuses and want to see as many aborted as possible. You found them out, you crafty bugger you!
Posted by: Edwin | 2006-01-06 8:07:59 PM
Dear Edwin,
Maybe you are not aware that the pro-abortion lobby has already accomplished their goal in China. Gov't proscribed abortion..i.e. the gov't has shown the world their commitment to population control by forcing abortion on their families. One child is the law. No further help required.
By the way, most culture of life supporters spend most of their time and effort LIVING IT. They are the few who are still having children in Canada, and they are for the most part excellent citizens, and non-violent. They use better tools. Prayer, the occassional civil disobedience,and love- for even the enemy. Any bets on the final outcome?
Posted by: lwestin | 2006-01-07 10:24:08 AM
The "me, me me' generation (baby boomers down), in Canada, are confused re: the culling of people. It is hard for them to define 'person'. They know 'me' but who are YOU? There is just ME and they in the mindset. Old people and very young people are sort of 'non people'. The 'meme's' are more than willing to institutionalize young and old people - forced imprisonment in 'care' facilities - and they are willing to kill the very young and the very old - because the unborn and the senile are of no use to a meme. China and Russia and Nazi Germany marginalized all people, regardless of age, who did not agree with the party retoric. I don't know the answer, I just know the question. Mental excercises cannot control the hearts of people, only God can do that. Is the marginalization of God (the Good) in the lives of the modern meme's the reason for the hard , brittle, hearts? This is a question for INDIVIDUAL hearts to answer.
Posted by: jema54j | 2006-01-07 10:44:42 AM
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