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Friday, January 27, 2006

Are they trying to tell us something?

Check out the picture and headline at CTV...

Close up...


Nah...it's probably nothing.

North American Patriot

Posted by Wonder Woman on January 27, 2006 | Permalink


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You're right. I am sure it means nothing since we are blessed with completely objective media in Canada. One could never accuse them of being leftist, n'est-ce pas?

Posted by: Alain | 2006-01-27 12:26:20 PM

Actually, it looks to me more like "Grits begin process of transition from government".

Sometimes the shredders are inadequate, I guess.

Posted by: Mike H | 2006-01-27 12:26:37 PM

Let's see, first it's CBC with 'Heil Harper;' now it's CTV with the 'Reichstag' burning ... I wonder, will it be Global or CityTV that airbrushs in the little mustache, any bets?

Posted by: MSYB | 2006-01-27 12:27:24 PM

>Sometimes the shredders are inadequate, I guess.<

My first thought as well, the overload of shredders have obviously caused an electrical fire!

Posted by: deepblue | 2006-01-27 12:40:35 PM

The pix also reminds me of a rocket on the launch pad, at T- minus one: The tower looks set to blast into orbit, perhaps to be part of Bush's missile-defence system!

Posted by: Terry O'Neill | 2006-01-27 12:46:37 PM

It just figures that Torontonians and Vancouverites are the biggest complainers about crime - they want to vote in and endorse the same corrupt ineffective armchair socialists who destroyed the family and murdered the unborn!

The Central Canadian Media has a fare share of that blame!


Posted by: Leland K. | 2006-01-27 12:58:37 PM

Your pictures are made in Toronto right?


Posted by: Sara | 2006-01-27 1:01:08 PM

Y'know I saw that picture on their website on election night and thought "What bullshit!!". This, Heil Harper, the microphone-infront-of-the-face-Hitler-mustache from a while back. No, it is all definitely coincidence. Meanwhile, Jean Crouton invented a fictious homeless buddy, never scrapped the GST, grabbed a protester by the throat, stole unknown amounts of money from the public and then shrugged it off by showing some crappy golf balls. No, nothing's up.

Get back to work, Proles.

Posted by: underemployed buddha | 2006-01-27 4:03:50 PM

... sigh ...

In journalism, a photo like that one is an editor's dream: it's a beautiful, artistic shot that encompasses many elements - the dusky sky, the night-lit Parliament buildings and the eternal flame.

It's a great picture. I'd use it on my pages in a heatbeat if I had access to it.

To suggest that CTV set it up to embarrass the Tories is ridiculous.

Posted by: Mike Jenkinson | 2006-01-27 4:58:03 PM

Oh yeah - and imagine how much more beautiful it would be if instead of a boring, brown, sandstone building illuminated by the flames, it was a shiny, modern office tower, topped with a spectacular rainbow colored set of geometric shapes, labelled C-T-V. Imagine how it would look with the flames reflected off the shining steel and glass and appearing as if they are melting away the multihued logo. Sheer visual poetry.

To suggest that such an image means that I wish to see an end to Canadian media companies' cozy protection from free market competition, including foreign competition, and to see their smug, leftist, government-loving journalists and producers sent out to make a living in the real world, would be nothing but paranoia.

Posted by: Justzumgai | 2006-01-27 8:16:03 PM

. sigh ...

In journalism, a photo like that one is an editor's dream: it's a beautiful, artistic shot that encompasses many elements - the dusky sky, the night-lit Parliament buildings and the eternal flame.

It's a great picture. I'd use it on my pages in a heatbeat if I had access to it.

To suggest that CTV set it up to embarrass the Tories is ridiculous.


If it's so much of a photo editor's wet dream, it would have been as overused during the last 12 years as a condom found in Paris Hilton's hotel room.
But instead, we suppose it was the magical, spontaneity of Parliament Hill (wow, where did that really old building come from?)juxtiposed with the Eternal Flame (And there was a ragggingg firrrrre!)against the backdrop of the night sky (oooohhh dark ... pretty). Thanks for the J-school 101 lesson

Posted by: Stopthetrain | 2006-01-27 8:28:34 PM

Why do we continue to be surprised by this subliminal messaging from the MSM?

At least the CBC is totally upfront about it.

In Prime Minster Harper's first press conference, he decided to emerge from the House of Commons to greet the press. The CBC, in its paternally subjective manner, decided to point out that Harper's appearance was a staged event, considering the House is out of session and all. It was all a show for the cameras.

Never heard this kind of analysis from CBC when Martin held press conferences. They focussed on his message.

Today, a CBC reporter (the same one, I think) was also sure to ask Harper if he had to wait for service like every one else when he went to the hospital recently. What kind of "objective" reporting is this? I've jumped the qeue and I'm just Joe Canadian...

Cut the CBC loose... We're better served by those subliminal hacks at CTV.

Posted by: saskfishtales | 2006-01-27 11:48:15 PM

Umm, isn't every press conference staged? Pretty much by definition?
I'm not sure I've ever heard of a politician turning the corner in the halls of the Commons and just happens to run into a pack of cameras and microphones, manned by reporters who are standing around checking out the rug. "Oh well," says Harper. "since we're all here, and you guys have all this new, state-funded video equipment out, I think I have something to say."

Anyway, it's telling the CBC didn't feel the need to qualify their "town hall" meetings after Sept. 11 when they 'staged' them by packing the house with leftist journalism students from Ryerson (fact) and whatever brown people they could find on Toronto's streets.

Posted by: Stopthetrain | 2006-01-28 12:09:12 AM

The parliament buildings burned down once - in the early 1900's - Canadians rebuilt them in the same city. Pehaps this photo is a CTV message that parliment and ALL Centrel government activities should be moved TO THE CENTRE of the country. That would be Winnipeg when I look at the map. CTV wants the capital of Canada moved - that is all - move along.

Posted by: jema54j | 2006-01-30 12:19:33 PM

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