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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Keeping her options open?

Over on my homepage, MustControlFistOfDeath gives us a link over to Belinda's website. Click it.

Posted by RightGirl on November 30, 2005 in Canadian Conservative Politics | Permalink


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Oh I see, Belinda was just a CPC mole burrowing into the core Liberal infrastructure.

We all heaped dross on her and she took one for the team. Now we'll know what the Liberal strategy is for winning the election and her voting to keep the Liberals in power in the spring was all a ruse.

I am so ashamed./ sarc

Posted by: Speller | 2005-11-30 10:45:52 AM

A quick perusal of her site and I don't see the phrase "liberal party" anywhere. I'm thinking this will be a common concept among red mafia hopefuls for this election

Posted by: Rob R | 2005-11-30 11:49:57 AM

"A quick perusal of her site and I don't see the phrase "liberal party" anywhere. I'm thinking this will be a common concept among red mafia hopefuls for this election"

Yes, that and the Jedi mind tricks. "These are not the Liberal criminals you have heard about."

Posted by: MustControlFistOfDeath | 2005-11-30 12:15:01 PM

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