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Thursday, October 06, 2005

The real China: Cold War redux

The Berlin Wall may have come down in November 1989, and the iron curtain may have lifted with the fall of the Soviet Union in August 1991, but the Bamboo Curtain is very much in place. As Max Boot writes, here, one of the last bastions of expansionist communism, the People's Republic of China, has created a statute authorizing military intervention in the case of a secessionist Taiwan, the PRC has pressured the Central Asian republics into pushing the U.S. military presence out, it continues to acquire military hardware with global scope mainly from Russia, and the Middle Kingdom pursues apace an agenda of industrial and military espionage against the U.S. (and Canada).

Whether the PRC is a kleptocracy, the last "viable" Marxist outpost, or a neoconfucian, authoritarian state, it ain't a constitutional, representative government nor is it "Western-friendly" except where it's in its interests to be so.

Canada and the U.S. are well advised to pursue "triangulation" in their relations with China via India, and to a lesser extent, Taiwan and South Korea, as well as other "anglosphere" nations like Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. And if investors just must put their money into Asia, consider India or Taiwan, first.
(Cross-posted from Burkean Canuck).

Posted by Russ Kuykendall on October 6, 2005 | Permalink


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I would only invest in the Anglosphere (and I’d include India in the Anglosphere, it used to include Hong Kong). The Anglosphere is where the best rules of ownership and property rights exist. Property rights are the key to capitalism.
Will free enterprise open up China and bring down these commie thugs that presently run it? I sure hope so, but I’m not as sanguine as some; for the simple reason that Wal-Mart-like orders have created a ton of cash in the Bank of China. Now the commie thugs can get their hands on that cash and they aren’t about to suddenly get noble for the good of China and relinquish their hold on the throttle of the economy without some kind of a revolution. Let’s hope it’s short and quick and not too bloody.

The best way to steal from a bank is to own one. These thugs in China own a really big bank and they won’t stay out of the vault. They are just like Dingwall and the Mint, only on a much bigger scale. The behave just like the corrupt phone call from Chrétien to the BDC on his Shawinigan golf coarse loan etc.

Posted by: nomdenet | 2005-10-06 1:45:07 PM

The way China is building up its military should frighten the snot out of all of us. They're not doing that for self-defense purposes, that's for damn sure. They're planning to retake Taiwan by force, within the next couple of years. With the US tied up in Iraq, they've got a golden opportunity that I can't see them passing up.

Posted by: Raging Ranter | 2005-10-06 8:10:27 PM

Who says the Chinese are gonna stop at Taiwan? We Canadians better get ready to fight on Vancouver Island because the tsunami is coming in less than a decade.

With all their commitments in Iraq, does any Canadian honestly think the Americans can protect us anymore? Once Midway and Hawaii fall, we're next on the hitlist. Let's face it, they're after our oil and our land, and they're gonna stop at nothing.

Posted by: Dief The Chief | 2005-10-06 11:11:38 PM

Ralph Klien has been musing about using nuclear energy to fuel the tar sands as a cheaper alternative to natural gas. Don't be surprised if the Libranos get on the "no nukes" bandwagon as far as Alberta is concerned, all the while ignoring the iminent sale of a C.S.L. hull full of Cluff Lake, Saskatchewan yellowcake. I suppose they'll throw in a set of CANDU blueprints to sweeten the deal too.

Posted by: Eskimo | 2005-10-07 8:48:48 AM

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