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Sunday, July 03, 2005


Since everyone is in a musical mood this weekend, here is a leftist anthem with more appropriate lyrics:

Imagine there's no Liberals

It's easy if you try,

No bloated government

To regulate and pry,

Imagine all the people

Keeping what they earn.../

Imagine no corruption

It isn’t hard to do,

Imagine no GroupAction

And no Jack Layton too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace.../

Imagine there’s no Charter

I wonder if you can,

No need for legal plunder

And no Adscam

Imagine all the people

Competing to succeed.../

You may say I’m a dreamer,

But I’m not the only one,

I hope some day you'll join us,

And Canada shall overcome

Posted by Michael Dabioch on July 3, 2005 in Music | Permalink


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Roger that dude. One way or another.

Posted by: rob | 2005-07-03 10:20:10 PM

That's awesome!! Put it to music and distribute it!

Posted by: Mallard | 2005-07-03 10:45:25 PM

A few days late no doubt. But also on an encouraging musical note. O Canada
4th verse Of the original Poem by Stanley Weir.
(English translation of the French version.)

Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our dominion within thy loving care;
Help us to find, O God, in thee
A lasting rich reward,
As waiting for the Better Day,
We ever stand on guard.

O Canada! O Canada! etc.

Posted by: Rosie | 2005-07-03 10:46:42 PM

There's something about that song that makes me want to drive bulldozers over leftist protesters. Sigh.

Posted by: Scott | 2005-07-03 11:26:42 PM

I guess all this talk of moving to the states and giving up on this country is not the way to go. I had never heard that verse before, and it has inpired me. We should start promoting it more.

Posted by: Mallard | 2005-07-03 11:30:45 PM

I think we should promote the old anthem, the Maple Leaf Forever, with the original lyrics.

...especially before Leafs home games :)

Posted by: underemployed buddha | 2005-07-04 2:46:55 AM

"The Maple Leaf Forever" is a racist anthem, and shouldn't be played anywhere.

The only song that should be played at Tronna games is "The Crying Game". Tronna, Unable Leafs, Boo Gays - the whole place - sucks. Did I ever mention how much I liked SARS? Because it only affected rich Ontarians.

Alberta should adopt its own anthem to be played before sporting events. "O Canada" is no longer appropriate for its racism.

Posted by: Scott | 2005-07-04 4:33:28 AM


Mon, July 4, 2005
Shameful way to operate in a 'free country'
By LYDIA LOVRIC -- Winnipeg Sun

Even proponents of same-sex marriage should be appalled by the way Bill C-38 was pushed through Parliament last week. Rather than allowing proper debate on the matter, the Liberal government imposed a time limit on the discussion -- a slap in the face to democracy.


Posted by: maz2 | 2005-07-04 6:22:39 AM

We'll rant and we'll roar like good bloggin' Tories,
We'll rant and we'll roar in the east and the west,
No matter how good things are, no matter how bright,
It ain't the U.S. so we'll bitch till we die.

Posted by: tiller | 2005-07-04 11:54:51 AM

"There's something about that song that makes me want to drive bulldozers over leftist protesters."

It’s hard to imagine how someone could mistake the CPC for anything but a sensible, moderate political party.

Scott. You are destroying our party. Get out. By saying things like that you're just giving ammo to the left.

I'd like to see a conservative gov't SOMETIME before I die, but with nuts like you saying how we should KILL people we don't agree with, I'm not so sure it's ever going to happen.

It's people like you that make people out east think Stephen Harper is scary.

Posted by: James | 2005-07-04 12:07:34 PM

"There's something about that song that makes me want to drive bulldozers over leftist protesters."

More like this please. We need to provide central Canadians with more reasons to equate frothy right wingnuts with the CPC in order to bar any possibility of a CPC government.

Posted by: Anon. | 2005-07-04 1:03:39 PM

""The Maple Leaf Forever" is a racist anthem, and shouldn't be played anywhere."

The Maple Leaf Forever is fantastic and way better than the wetseck anthem we have now. It should be played everywhere.

"Alberta should adopt its own anthem to be played before sporting events. "O Canada" is no longer appropriate for its racism."

Yeah, How about "The Maple Leaf Forever"?

Posted by: underemployedbuddha | 2005-07-04 3:27:41 PM

""The Maple Leaf Forever" is a racist anthem, and shouldn't be played anywhere."

The Maple Leaf Forever is fantastic and way better than the wetseck anthem we have now. It should be played everywhere.

"Alberta should adopt its own anthem to be played before sporting events. "O Canada" is no longer appropriate for its racism."

Yeah, How about "The Maple Leaf Forever"?

Posted by: underemployedbuddha | 2005-07-04 3:29:34 PM

James: I have not nor have I ever been a member of any political party. But perhaps I went a little far - I had the Rachel Corrie incident on my mind at the time. My bad.

Anon: if the rich easterners don't like it, GOOD! That means I'm doing something right.

buddha: I'd puke if that song was played in Alberta. That song is about British imperialism, oppression, tyranny and racism. We are not British - we are Albertans, and must be proud of our accomplishments: a free society, strong economy, and religious and racial tolerances that Ontario only dreams about and despises us for.

Whenever I think that whenever "O Canada" or "The Maple Leaf Forever", the Sieg Heil salute should be given to show contempt for Canadian racism and apartheid.

Posted by: Scott | 2005-07-04 7:09:03 PM

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