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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Canadian Shame Museum

Cliff Chadderton is right. Veterans deserve their donations back.

Posted by Kate McMillan on May 4, 2005 in Military | Permalink


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Kate! I am shocked! Don't you understand how important it is to this country to have a place where everyone, regardless of race, colour, age, religion, sexual preference or hat size, can go and feel free to loathe themselves and one another? "We're dirty dirty baaaaad Canadians...we're...we're American-style Canadians!"

Posted by: Occam's Carbuncle | 2005-05-04 11:45:26 AM

Ya. War museums should only celebrate the fun, exciting, heroic parts of war! Once again the Liberal Elite is plotting to encourage people to remember bad things. Just look at the high school Social Studies textbooks! They used to be about the wonderful Cartier, MacKenzie, etc. Now they have the nerve to talk about how Europeans killed Indians, political scandals, etc. It is totally ridiculous!

In fact, I want to start up a funding drive for a Museum of Canadian Politics. There will be no mention of Adscam, or any other "scandals", because those are not the important parts of Canadian Politics. Nope, it will only be about the Heros of Canadian Politics! The only bills that will be discussed are those that passed unanimously. That way we can be sure we are getting our money's worth.

Let's already start the process of forgetting about Adscam! Anyone want to donate?

Posted by: bob | 2005-05-04 12:15:51 PM

Is "bob" your real name, or just that of the straw-filled dummy on your knee?

Posted by: Kate | 2005-05-04 12:24:20 PM

Canada is pathetic and should be wrapped up. The mind set of the people who run this country is so out of wack with common sense and dignity that it's hard to anticpate their next screw up. How could any self respecting nation high light a couple of thugs (Matchee and Brown) in it's national war museum? The loathing of the eastern establishment for our history and traditions is astonishing. I fear that even a CPC win in the next election cannot stop the rot. The only answer is amputation of the healthy part, Alberta, from the corrupt and festering carcass of central Canada.

Posted by: Michael Shannon | 2005-05-04 12:24:23 PM

Nope, Bob is not my real name. I also dye my hair.

Michael, I'm agreeing with you. I loath Canada's history - at least the stuff that isn't pretty. That's why I want to start forgetting about those ugly political scandals as soon as possible!

Posted by: Bob | 2005-05-04 12:35:57 PM


If BC promises to vote for the non-socialists (It is ironic that I have to vote for the BC Liberals to do that) on May 16 can we join you in seperating from canaduh when Ontario re-elects the Lieberals.

Posted by: Cascadian | 2005-05-04 4:22:28 PM

Can anyone here say:

Brian Mulroney?

Posted by: Chris Alemany | 2005-05-05 10:59:15 AM

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