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Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Made man
You may have seen the creator of this cartoon, Aidan Maconaghie, posting on the Shotgun over the last few days. Aidan is a freelance cartoonist from somewhere in Ontario (he votes Conservative, so he prefers his fellow provincemen don't know his exact location). He's been printed in too many magazines and newspapers to name, but what's important is that he'll be doing political cartoons for our new website which is scheduled to launch sometime later this month. And he'll continue being a regular Shotgun contributor. Welcome aboard, Aidan.
Posted by Kevin Libin on May 4, 2005 | Permalink
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Ah, at last. A cartunist with a sense of the harmonious relationship between the libretto and the music.
Now, a poster: Layton aka V.I. Lenin & the Red terror. Suggested title: ?. "The Red Stooges"? Nah. "Peoples Party"? ?
Posted by: maz2 | 2005-05-04 2:17:22 PM
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