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Friday, March 04, 2005
Italian Journalist Giuliana Sgrena: Developing...
Freed Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena was injured and another person killed on Friday when "multinational forces" fired on a speeding automobile at a military checkpoint in Baghdad, the Pentagon said.The other person has been identified as an Italian special forces agent.
Dr. Rusty Shackeford (a psuedomn used for reasons of personal safety) of The Jawa Report has been following the "captivity" of the journalist and provides background with which to compare breaking reports as the anti-US coverage begins to ramp up. He cautions;
All reports about Sgrena to date have been carefully routed through her Communist newspaper, Il Manifesto. If you check the media reports you will notice that each is receiving its information from a single source, the anti- American editor of Il Manifesto.Brace yourself for the feeding frenzy.[...]
The Jawa Report has speculated in the past the Sgrena was either the victim of her own close ties with terrorist forces, or had staged her own abduction to convince the Italian people of their folly for supporting the US led occupation.
Posted by Kate McMillan on March 4, 2005 in Military | Permalink
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March 5/05 update is available.
Sgrena is a communist. Not green. Not pink.
Red. Red. Red. Red.
Posted by: maz2 | 2005-03-05 3:26:16 PM
I have never believed that Sgrena was kidnapped
- she is essentially an unknown Communist writer
in Italy. But, the fact is, in Irag if a speeding
vehicle refuses to stop at a military or civil
police roadblock, it is going to be shot to pieces - and rightfully so. A number of troops
have been murdered at roadblocks.
Posted by: John MacLeod | 2005-03-07 4:21:30 AM
Sgrena worked for Il Manifesto, an Italian leftist newspaper, and she was “among the founders of the peace movement,” according to her biography on the Il Manifesto web site. “Giuliana was in Iraq to witness the plight of innocent Iraqi people and show to the world that the invasion of Iraq by US forces has brought nothing positive but more pain, sufferings and tragedies for ill-fated civilians. As a freedom-loving Italian journalist she wanted to uncover those aspects of the life of Iraqi children, women and men that are usually ignored by other known Western media,” writes Rawa (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) for Bellaciao.
In other words, she was an enemy of the United States, not the Iraqi resistance, in the same way Margaret Hassan was an enemy of the United States, or rather the policies of the United States.
Both Hassan and Sgrena were kidnapped by “counterinsurgency” black op groups—now admitted to be working in both Iraq and Iran by the Pentagon—posing as resistance fighters
Posted by: Andy | 2005-03-07 2:47:13 PM
Nice tinfoil hat, Andy.
Posted by: lrC | 2005-03-07 4:37:53 PM
Ohh the anti communism of the Cold War lives!
So it is justifiable to kill a commie for Bush!
Opps we missed and killed a spy chief instead.
Meanwhile the American News Channels are still talking about Martha and Michael. See my blog
Posted by: Eugene Plawiuk | 2005-03-07 5:22:07 PM
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