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Friday, March 04, 2005
Beijing ducks (in a row)
On the China watch, we have the National People's Congress passing "a new law that could provide the basis for an attack on the island [Taiwan]." Also note that Beijing Clamps Down as Parliament Delegates Gather. Then, China proposes massive military spending hike. Just days before we have the EU announcing their stance on ending the arms embargo with China.
So, for absolutely no reason, let's flash back to Nov. 26, 2003 when we see BNP Paribas--European--officially opening in China as the first foreign-owned enterprise bank. (BNP Paribas, you might recall, is the bank that handled Saddam's oil-for-food money, now under investigation for possible improprieties in that scam.)
So you've got potential domestic unrest, a possible nationalistic target for a fascist government to redirect that unrest, an arms build-up, a willing foreign arms supplier, and a bank the supplier and the buyer both trust. Let's get down to business.
Posted by Kevin Steel on March 4, 2005 | Permalink
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» No War, For ... eh... Desmarais from small dead animals
A follow-up to this post on the UN oil-for-food involvement by UN Deputy Secretary-General, Canadian Louise Frechette. Canada Free Press It appears the impartiality and credibility of the Volcker Committee's Investigation into Oil-for-Food is growing g... [Read More]
Tracked on 2005-03-04 12:58:23 PM
BNP Paribas? Where has one seen that before?
Power to the Strong; to the Oil Scandal UNO Annan ; to the ...
BNP Paribas.... must search: Memo to self: Search Paribas.
Posted by: maz2 | 2005-03-04 10:39:15 AM
I''m about to trackback to this, with a post that links to more information on the Desmarais-PowerCorp-UNscam network.
Posted by: Kate | 2005-03-04 12:57:03 PM
Just realized the direct reference to Paribas hasn't appeared yet in this thread:
"BNP Paribas bank is part of a holding company, Pargesa Holding, which is jointly owned and controlled by the Frère and Desmarais families. Paul Desmarais Sr. is the chairman of the group, while Albert Frère is the vice-chairman. Gerald Frère, Albert's son, is one of three general managers who oversee day-to-day operations, and Paul Desmarais Jr. is also an officer.
Pargesa, and thus Power Corporation and the Canadian Desmarais family, holds a controlling significant stake in TotalFina Elf, the Belgian-French petroleum multinational corporation formed from the merger of Total and Petrofina."
Posted by: Kate | 2005-03-04 1:14:33 PM
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