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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Funny how a little murder will ruin goodwill
The Associated Press reports that the attempts in recent years for Muslims and everyone else to just get along in Jersey City, N.J., may be forgotten considering Muslims may have killed a Coptic Christian family in that city. The tone of the article of feigned surprise is a little much. Certainly it really is not surprising that goodwill might be suspended toward a group of people when someone (some people?) from that group is (are) suspected of brutally murdering a family. Yes, we'd like everyone to hold hands and sing songs and share a Coca Cola, but that isn't going to happen. Or should I be shocked, too, that the following, as described by the AP, didn't bring, if not world peace, at least Jersey City peace:
"The strife is particularly distressing in light of efforts the area's Muslim community made to reach out to other faiths and strengthen ties after the 9/11 attacks. Imams visited churches and synagogues. Joint prayer breakfasts and open houses were held. Muslim merchants visited the homes of their Christian and Jewish counterparts, and strongly denounced the attacks."
In the mind of most people such gestures are enough to overcome human nature. But they are window dressing, not genuine understanding. I'm sure that nothing will bring more undertanding, trust and peace as ... oh, say ... Muslims not killing Christians or Jews, in America or abroad, for a few years.
Posted by Paul Tuns on January 22, 2005 in Current Affairs | Permalink
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