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Saturday, September 25, 2004

Why Kerry Is In Trouble

Mark O. Hatfield;

As a young Navy officer in World War II, I was one of the first Americans to see Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was dropped in 1945. That experience lives with me today, and it helped to shape the view I held during my public service career: a view that war is wrong in nearly every circumstance.

As Oregon's governor, I was the only governor in the nation who refused to sign a statement supporting President Johnson's Vietnam War policy.

As a senator, I joined with Sen. George McGovern in an unsuccessful effort to end that war. I was the only senator who voted against both the Democrat and Republican resolutions authorizing the use of force in the 1991 Gulf War.

In my final years in the Senate, I opposed President Clinton's decision to send American troops to Bosnia.

During my 30 years in the Senate, I never once voted in favor of a military appropriations bill.

I know that this record will cause many to wonder why I am such a strong supporter of President Bush and his policy in Iraq. My support is based on the fact that our world changed on Sept. 11, 2001, a day on which we lost more American lives than we did in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

I know from my service in the Senate that Saddam Hussein was an active supporter of terrorism. He used weapons of mass destruction on innocent people and left no doubt that he would do so again. It was crucial to the cause of world peace that he be removed from power. ...

I believe the choice is clear. I will proudly cast my vote for President George W. Bush.

Via Wizbang.

Posted by Kate McMillan on September 25, 2004 in International Politics | Permalink


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» Winston Review, No. 12 from Ghost of a flea
"I can't, of course, get out of my mind the fact that I physically met President George Bush for the first time on the 10th of September, 2001 at the White House. And as I think back over the... [Read More]

Tracked on 2004-09-25 9:54:44 AM

» Winston Review, No. 12 from Ghost of a flea
"I can't, of course, get out of my mind the fact that I physically met President George Bush for the first time on the 10th of September, 2001 at the White House. And as I think back over the... [Read More]

Tracked on 2004-09-25 9:55:01 AM

» Winston Review, No. 12 from Ghost of a flea
"I can't, of course, get out of my mind the fact that I physically met President George Bush for the first time on the 10th of September, 2001 at the White House. And as I think back over the... [Read More]

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A Navy Seal has some thoughts on "Supporting the Troops". Tell our troops to F#@! Off Go get a "how-to" right here. Hat tip to Jen Martinez! Captain's Quarters points out that while Iraq had no WMD when we invaded... [Read More]

Tracked on 2004-09-25 2:46:29 PM

» Some linky-lovin, now that I've got an RSS reader. from Welcome to Castle Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.
A Navy Seal has some thoughts on "Supporting the Troops". Tell our troops to F#@! Off Go get a "how-to" right here. Hat tip to Jen Martinez! Captain's Quarters points out that while Iraq had no WMD when we invaded... [Read More]

Tracked on 2004-09-25 2:55:04 PM

» Some linky-lovin, now that I've got an RSS reader. from Welcome to Castle Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.
A Navy Seal has some thoughts on "Supporting the Troops". Tell our troops to F#@! Off Go get a "how-to" right here. Hat tip to Jen Martinez! Captain's Quarters points out that while Iraq had no WMD when we invaded... [Read More]

Tracked on 2004-09-25 2:58:50 PM


There are an increasing number of Democrats now supporting Bush's foreign policy. They recognise that there is no alternative. Unfocused, badly led multi-lateralism was tried in the 90s and failed. Clinton has miraculously escaped, thanks to his left liberal media friends, reputational annihlation in his role in doing nothing against terror elements including Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya, Bin Laden, Hamas and Al Ansar to name the obvious few. The entire Middle East will have to be rebuilt and terror and Islamic theocratic fascism must be destroyed at the source. Clinton was the worst foreign policy President since Jimmy Carter - the two are amongst the worst leaders in US history.

Pity that Canada and the EU statist nations excepting Britain, Poland, Italy and Holland, have little or no military force projection capability. But that does little to impede Paul Martin or other Liberal mariannettes from lecturing the UN or the US on how, why, when and where to intervene. Maybe Martin and Canada should show some maturity, build a proper military, support their natural alliance partners and ignore the UN and recognise that the UN is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Canada is soft on terror and so are many other countries who free ride off US power. This must change.

Posted by: Craig Read | 2004-09-25 9:25:41 AM

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