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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Parrish's dubious past
Carolyn Parrish's anti-American comments get all the media attention, but her remarks about Israel, antisemitism and the "Jewish lobby" should be the real story.
Frankly, I'm worried about the fact that a woman who thinks the Toronto Star is too pro-Israel, or that a reporter's impartiality is compromised because he was honoured by B'nai Brith, can get elected and re-elected to Parliament in this country.
Posted by Damian Penny on August 26, 2004 in Canadian Politics | Permalink
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» All That And A Bag of Anti-Semitism, Too! from small dead animals
Carolyn Parrish's anti-Americanism may be a clever front to deflect attention from her anti-semitism. David Frum was all over her in February 2003. This past June, for example, she joined a delegation of nine MPs on a trip to the... [Read More]
Tracked on 2004-08-26 9:09:47 AM
Scratch a socialist, find a fascist...
Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-08-26 9:26:19 AM
Can someone send me the email address of the webmaster.
Posted by: Norman Spector | 2004-08-26 9:53:56 AM
I doubt very much that all socialists are fascists.
Posted by: lrC | 2004-08-26 2:11:24 PM
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