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Monday, August 30, 2004

Levant on Martin not doing anything about Parrish

Ezra Levant reminds readers of his Calgary Sun column that when it comes to Carolyn Parrish's anti-US rhetoric, Jean Chretien demanded she apologize whereas Paul Martin did not:

"Is it possible grubby, street-brawling Chretien had more class than Martin, the fancily pedigreed multi-millionaire?
Chretien despised the Yanks, but he didn't countenance second-rate MPs with third-rate insults messing around, not with softwood lumber, mad cow disease, and a tightening U.S. security perimeter to worry about."

Levant says that Martin's failure to discipline Parrish is more scandalous than her actual comments. But Ezra, we should accentuate the positive -- perhaps this is the one-time Paul Martin will let his MPs have their say; letting Parrish act like an idiot is his way of addressing the democratic deficit. Or Levant is correct and Martin is showing his true anti-red, white and blue.

Posted by Paul Tuns on August 30, 2004 in Canadian Politics | Permalink


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Darn, who would have thought Chretien showed even the slightest concern for US relations!

(Fact is he only disagreed with the US on Iraq. He willingly sent troops to Afghanistan and to the Arabian Sea to help the Coalition).

I think Paul Millionaire, CEO of Canada Inc. is deliberately allowing his party to fragment so to force another election. He can let them fall apart - why should he care. He's rich (well, richer than the average rich Ontarian).

Posted by: Free Alberta | 2004-08-31 12:34:20 AM

Cartoon in yesterday's Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, NB) has multiple drawings of Parrish with the title "Coalition of Idiots". Fitting.

Posted by: Joel | 2004-08-31 3:24:38 AM

Cartoon in yesterday's Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, NB) has multiple drawings of Parrish with the title "Coalition of Idiots". Fitting.

Posted by: Joel | 2004-08-31 3:25:20 AM

Cartoon in yesterday's Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, NB) has multiple drawings of Parrish with the title "Coalition of Idiots". Fitting.

Posted by: Joel | 2004-08-31 3:25:42 AM

Cartoon in yesterday's Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, NB) has multiple drawings of Parrish with the title "Coalition of Idiots". Fitting.

Posted by: Joel | 2004-08-31 3:27:35 AM

Cartoon in yesterday's Daily Gleaner (Fredericton, NB) has multiple drawings of Parrish with the title "Coalition of Idiots". Fitting.

Posted by: Joel | 2004-08-31 3:37:03 AM

I think the real question is this: if Chretien had been handed a minority, would he still have asked for Parrish's apology? I don't think he would have.

Posted by: Damian | 2004-08-31 8:00:52 AM

I think (Shiny Happy Gulag -http://www.bondwine.com/gulag/ - disagrees with me on this) that Martin needs Parrish and her ilk to stay on side so he's laying low. Call it an exercise in building his own coalition of....

Posted by: alan | 2004-08-31 8:11:15 AM

Martin is desperate to have as many Liberal MP's onside as possible when it comes to voting. Kicking Parrish out of the caucus will polarize the party even more and he can't afford that. That's why he's not doing it and that's why he's not pushing the issue further. Everything is done (or not done) for a reason.

Posted by: Michael Dabioch | 2004-08-31 3:25:14 PM

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