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Thursday, August 26, 2004


Glenn Reynolds writes the most important thing I have read this week.

Just as who controlled the Senate in 2002 wasn't the most important thing in the world, who wins the White House in 2004 isn't either, except perhaps to those involved. But if the institutional press is, as Evan Thomas suggested, capable of delivering a 15% margin to its preferred candidate, enough to decide almost any election, and if they're willing to go to almost any lengths in delivering that margin, well, then, we've got a serious problem. (And we don't, really, have a democracy.) To me (and to others) that's a bigger deal than Bush v. Kerry, but it's certainly illustrated by the Kerry issues of the last few months.

Canada, where the CRTC can say yes to al Jazeera as it says no to Fox. Canada, where the state broadcaster acts as the mouthpiece for every policy of our permanent federal government. Canada, where no news is good news unless it is the same tired sleight of hand and the sneering words "American-style" remind us that four-legs are good and two-legs are bad. Canada, where we could only dream of so small an advantage as a 15% margin delivered to the establishment at public expense time and time again.

Cross-posted to the Flea.

Posted by Ghost of a flea on August 26, 2004 | Permalink


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There's a whole world waiting for you out there Nick.

Posted by: Tom | 2004-08-26 3:17:54 PM

Behold the wrath of the Flea! Hearken unto him, ye statists!

Posted by: alan | 2004-08-27 8:00:33 AM

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