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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The second coming of Hillary Clinton

Teresa Heinz Kerry is, we're constantly told, brilliant; she exemplifies a great-escape-from-tyranny-and-make-it-America story; she will be one of the top three great First Ladies behind Hillary and Eleanor. Admittedly, the reviews were toned down last night by the punditocracy who seemed less impress once they
actually heard her. Still, no doubt THK compares to Hillary Clinton.

In No Left Turns Peter Schramm exposes the next Hillary Clinton for being what Hillary Clinton was: nothing without her husband:

"I think Teresa Kerry should not have spoken. She was terrible. It’s OK for her to get the reputation that she is a woman who speaks her mind, as long as there is some mind there to speak."

Now recall that Hillary and Bill promised (threatened?) vote for Bill and get them both -- the worst two-for-one deal in history. Until now. As Barbara Comstock says in NRO today:

"Anyone having to 'listen' to this drivel wouldn't want to 'hear' this woman's voice; but that's not a gender issue. 'Opinionated' is just a more polite way of saying 'inane' in the case of Teresa. Teresa proved tonight that she could be as mind-numbingly self-absorbed, elitist, and dull as her husband. So we get two odd ducks for the price of one multimillionaire."

Posted by Paul Tuns on July 28, 2004 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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Actually she's nothing without her LATE husband, who she sponged off of, before Kerry started sponging off of her.

Posted by: Joe | 2004-07-30 4:25:59 PM

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