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Monday, July 26, 2004

The Latest in leftist protest - Assassination

You'll recall that the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was assassinated by an animal rights activist, so we should not take these musings lightly. Here's the latest threat:

A top adviser to Britain's two most powerful animal rights protest groups caused outrage last night by claiming that the assassination of scientists working in biomedical research would save millions of animals' lives.
To the fury of groups working with animals, Jerry Vlasak, a trauma surgeon and prominent figure in the anti-vivisection movement, told The Observer: 'I think violence is part of the struggle against oppression. If something bad happens to these people [animal researchers], it will discourage others. It is inevitable that violence will be used in the struggle and that it will be effective.' [...]

'I don't think you'd have to kill too many [researchers]. I think for five lives, 10 lives, 15 human lives, we could save a million, 2 million, 10 million non-human lives.

I think the left should stop calling us the fascists and look at the ugly collection of characters in their midst.

Update: And here's some even more heartening news from a British training camp:

Britain is the new training ground for animal rights activists, with anti-vivisectionists travelling here from all over the world to learn techniques of unarmed combat and how to evade arrest. [...]

There has been an escalation in what participants call "the animal liberation war". This week the Government will announce a clampdown on what some politicians have branded the "home terrorists", whose tactics include breaking into the houses of researchers, sending them hate mail and death threats, pouring acid over their cars, fire-bombing property and threatening to create bogus criminal records to smear company directors.

What a charming bunch of people.

Posted by Kevin Jaeger on July 26, 2004 in International Affairs | Permalink


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But our gun registry will protect us from the leftists here in Canada, right?


Posted by: Sean | 2004-07-26 9:36:02 AM

I wish it took less to get people's attention about the threat posed by animal rights groups.

These groups have infiltrated humane organizations across Canada and the US. They are opposed to the use of animals in sport, in agriculture, for companionship, and they have been working promoting legislation that chips away at the rights of owners of animals.

While farm practices get a lot of attention in the media, both pro and con, suggestions that other practices like ear cropping and tail docking be banned dont' seem to raise the same red flags, despite the fact that they represent just a different tip of their agenda iceberg. In recent years they have also shifted attention to the purebred dog industry, pushing a steady stream of propoganda about inbreeding and disease rates in purebred dogs.

Their claims are almost universally accepted as fact by media, who seem completely disinclined to investigate whether claims by these groups and their paid veterinarian spokespersons and sympathizers are truthful.

Posted by: Kate | 2004-07-26 10:24:21 AM

Double-tap, center mass.

The eco-terrorists only go after legal activity. Illegal dog fighting pits are big in our area. People train pit bulls for the ring, and they are horribly maimed and killed. Domestic pets are stolen to be killed as part of the training.

The pits are centers of illegal gambling, narcotics, and prostitution. Law enforcement tends to turn a deaf ear.

So why don't eco-terrorists go after dog fighting?

Because the eco-terrorists would be treated the way John Gotti would treat a numbers runner with his hand in the till.

The eco-terrorist prefers to go after people who are unlikely to fight back. These loving vegetarians are only interested in passive victims. (Joseph Campbell described vegetarians as people who like to eat things that cannot run from them.)

The answer? Double tap, center mass. Gun rights should be restored and encouraged for law-abiding citizens.

Posted by: Greg in Dallas | 2004-07-26 11:55:50 AM

There was a news item on the weekend about a group called AVAR (Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights) being asked to leave the American Veterinary Medical Association convention. They'd published a full-page newspaper ad espousing vegan and radical animal rights positions and designed to embarrass the AVMA. The ad was paid for by PETA (the same people who assert that gophers are an endangered species -- I guess the thousands of Richardson's ground squirrels I've shot in my lifetime will land me on PETA's hit list).

While AVAR's transgression may seem a matter for minor disciplinary proceedings, I find it disquieting that PETA evidently had no difficulty finding veterinarians who were willing to turn on their own professional association in furtherance of the animal rights agenda.

Of course, PETA is only one of the groups which has converged on the convention to protest and proselytise. A Dogpile search revealed several others.

Posted by: Charles MacDonald | 2004-07-26 2:35:10 PM

Greg certainly has the right idea. There really is no mystery why these people are becoming a danger in England but not in Texas.

It wouldn't surprise me if most of these biotech industries eventually pull out of Europe and migrate to the American heartland, where they would be free to defend themselves.

Posted by: Kevin Jaeger | 2004-07-26 4:03:41 PM

You know a good idea would be for animal rights extremists convicted of major crimes e.g. killing scientists,releasing sick animals ect., would be to have them take the critters place. Not likely,I know but a pleasant thought anyways.

Posted by: al kenny | 2004-07-28 1:54:06 AM

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