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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Hosers for Kerry, eh
It might be neck-and-neck in the States, but Canadians would pick Kerry over George W. Bush, 60 to 22 percent. (If I recall correctly, a Macleans poll said only 15% of Canadians would vote for Bush. How do we explain his sudden seven-point surge?)
Strangely, one of Kerry's widest margins is in Alberta, where he would get 60% of the vote. (Not surprisingly, Kerry's biggest lead is in Quebec.) And where does Dubya put up a respectable showing? Here in the very same Atlantic Canada that went overwhelmingly Liberal last month. (It's 51-37 for Kerry down here.)
Posted by Damian Penny on July 27, 2004 in International Affairs | Permalink
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Is the lesson here that polls are for idiots or that Canadians don't really consider Kerry an American? If I were on the Republican campaign team, I'd be trumpetting these results - Socialist Canuckistan hates us! Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!
Posted by: alan | 2004-07-27 10:47:27 AM
I'm with Alan - seriously - if the left-ish Canadian public finds GWB detestable, then he's worth voting for.
Posted by: Joe | 2004-07-27 11:14:59 AM
Fine, but what's with Alberta's numbers?
Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-07-27 1:26:40 PM
"How do we explain his sudden seven-point surge?"
The Molson/Coors merger?
Posted by: Sean | 2004-07-27 3:43:35 PM
Since no Canadian province can vote in the upcoming US election, it doesn't matter who supports which US presidential candidate.
It doesn't matter who wins because the feds in Ottawa and Toronto will have to be very nice to Washington for the sake of the economy. Neither Bush nor Kerry are the problem: be afraid of Paul the Millionaire and Jack "Rich Boy" Layton and what they might do. For too long, the feds and Ontario people have used anti-Americanism to excuse their failure of a country.
When Alberta becomes the next state, hopefully soon before Canada exterminates our people and economy, then it can be relevant for us. Until then, never take your eyes off those rich lazy bastards in Toronto.
Posted by: Scott | 2004-07-27 7:36:17 PM
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