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Sunday, July 25, 2004
"Fairer sex" gets fighters
The Israeli newspaper Maariv reports that Israel has deployed an all-female fighter pilot squadron. The squadron, the latest effort of Israel to integrate its armed forces, is probably the ultimate result of a course case in which that country's Supreme Court ruled that the IDF had to allow women to become fighter pilots.
Although Maariv reports at length on this, one can read between the lines that this will take some adjustments by reporters, who evidently need a bit of re-education.
In the new squadron, all positions are staffed by members of the fairer sex: from the combat pilot to the operations officer, training officer, air traffic control sergeant right down to the ground technician.
Posted by Rick Hiebert on July 25, 2004 | Permalink
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I like the fact that in Israel, PC hasn't gotten to the point where it's "offensive" to refer to women as the "fairer sex".
Posted by: Kelvin | 2004-07-25 7:11:36 PM
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