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Monday, July 26, 2004
Facts are facist, especially in the Middle East
As I've noted before on my own blog Sobering Thoughts, I once was engaged in a heated discussion with a leftie whose reply to my rude insertion of facts to the debate was this: "Facts are facist." So consider Dennis Prager's consideration of the numerical facts of Middle East conflict. Here are some examples:
Number of Jewish countries: 1
Number of Jewish democracies: 1
Number of Arab countries: 19
Number of Arab democracies: 0
Number of Arab countries that have been members of the U.N. Security Council: 16
Number of times Israel has been a member of the U.N. Security Council: 0
Number of U.N. Security Council resolutions on the Middle East between 1948 and 1991: 175
Number of these resolutions against Israel: 97
Number of these resolutions against an Arab state: 4
Number of U.N. agencies that deal only with Palestinian refugees: 1
Number of U.N. agencies that deal with all the other refugees in the world: 1
Number of Arabs Israel allows to live in Arab settlements in Israel: 1,250,000
Number of Jews Palestinian Authority allows to live in Jewish settlements in Palestinian Authority: 0
Merely noting these makes Dennis Prager -- and surely myself and The Shotgun -- the bad guy. If not a facist.
Posted by Paul Tuns on July 26, 2004 in International Affairs | Permalink
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Now Paul, don't you know that "facts" are just social constructions by dead white males?! No rides home for you...
Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-07-27 7:01:05 AM
Now Paul, don't you know that "facts" are just social constructions by dead white males?! No rides home for you...
Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-07-27 7:02:54 AM
Number of times Canada has daintily refrained from voting on anti-Semitic UN resolutions?
Posted by: alan | 2004-07-27 8:37:54 AM
I think that you mean "fascist". There is no such word as "facist" in the English language.
Posted by: George MacLeod | 2004-07-27 1:54:37 PM
I think that you mean "fascist". There is no such word as "facist" in the English language.
Posted by: George MacLeod | 2004-07-27 1:54:54 PM
"Facist" is, as far as I can tell, the preferred leftist spelling of the word, if the graffiti all over my west end Toronto neighbourhood is anything to go by.
Most of the newspaper boxes have the word "LIES" tagged on them in magic marker, except for the Post boxes, which are defaced with the words "FACIST POST".
The same spelling can be found on other graffiti, regardless of subject: "FACIST AMERIKKKA", "FACIST MEDIA", "FACIST COPS". I think other Torontonians can back me up on this...
Posted by: rick mcginnis | 2004-07-27 5:29:31 PM
Surely you mean facts are "factist".
Posted by: Ghost of a flea | 2004-07-27 11:02:18 PM
Rick is right. I always kinda liked "USA TODAY - TOMORROW THE WORLD"
Posted by: Kathy | 2004-07-28 3:59:53 AM
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