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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
F9/11 Film Fan Detained
On the eve of Michael Moore's Crawford, Texas screening of his blockbuster documentary, Farenheit 9/11, federal officials have begun to arrest his Texas bound movie fans.
Posted by Kate McMillan on July 28, 2004 | Permalink
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This would have been arranged by what in the old days people would call outside agitators.
Crawford, Texas, is a town small enough to drive through without noticing it. There is a handful of buildings sprawled around a lonely crossroad.
It is known that the Washington press corps hates it when Bush goes home, because when they start looking for the excitement, they have to settle for a 4H event.
When we were there, we saw nothing that resembled a movie theater. When Putin visited Bush at the ranch, they had to hold their press conference in the high school auditorium. So I suppose that some screen will be erected in one of the few buildings large enough to accomodate more than several dozen people.
It is unlikely that the people of Crawford were consulted about this. Probably this is something that was cooked up because Democratic House Rep. Chet Edwards is the Congressman for the district.
Though you would probably find it difficult to locate an anti-Bush voter in Crawford, sometimes a local Democratic Congressman stays in office by bringing home agricultural subsidies.
Believe me, should the Democrats manage to be successful in pulling off this stunt, I promise you, you will not see an anti-Bush movement swelling from Crawford.
Posted by: Greg in Dallas | 2004-07-28 5:41:29 PM
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