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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Democrats offer a whole lot of boring and a little bit of France
The Democrats failed in their task of following up the most boring day at any national convention ever with a day of modicum of interest. They failed. CTV reports that yesterday's all-star line-up -- Bill and Hill, Gore and Carter and Dean -- was the least watched convention day ever. Contrary to the CW, this is good because Americans would not have been bored to tears by the Democrats, thus driving voters away from KerryEdwards in November.
Jon Stewart is the only coverage of the DNC worth watching in Canada and tonight he repeatedly showed convention-goers dancing, including one youngish lady who has not seemingly ever attended her underarm growth. Christopher Buckley may have had a point.
Posted by Paul Tuns on July 27, 2004 in Current Affairs | Permalink
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And let's see how many people started quoting bits of that Buckley piece as fact. :-0
Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-07-28 11:40:06 AM
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