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Thursday, July 29, 2004

Confusion in COTU

Those in Western Canada who professed not to understand Ontario after the results of the federal election would be no doubt scratching their heads at Toronto Mayor David Miller's comments on a local radio station this morning.

Mayor Miller when talking about funding for cities opined that:
(and I quoting from memory)

“people don’t want their money going to Ottawa where it will be wasted in things like sponsorship scandals”

I know what you’re thinking – that sounds like perfectly good reasoning, a lot of Canadians were upset at the sponsorship scandal.

One problem for all of you who aren’t citizens of Toronto and those who are but might have forgotten:

David Miller in the last federal election, which occurred only one month ago ENDORSED TWO LIBERAL CANDIDATES!!!!!

You can read the rest of my rant here.

The Meatriarchy

Posted by Justin Bogdanowicz on July 29, 2004 | Permalink


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True. The rest of the candidates he endorsed were NDP. Miller is a well-known social democrat. He doesn't want the money going to sponsorship scandals, but he would rather spend it on distributing free cigarettes and red wine at homeless shelters (which is supposed to help the homeless?), and free crack pipes to addicts. I'm not making this up.

Posted by: Michael Dabioch | 2004-07-29 1:26:42 PM

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