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Monday, July 26, 2004

Blogs at DNC

Much has been made of the media accreditation given to some 35 blogs at the DNC. Wall Street Journal has the best coverage of the phenom and the bloggers. Note, however, how many of the accredited bloggers were at one time Howard Dean supporters.

As for the significance of bloggers being in Boston, you have to do nothing more than read these two 'graphs from Oxblog's David Adesnik:

"Last night, in a dark wooden corner of an Irish pub, he said to me that journalists now think bloggers are important because bloggers have been invited to cover an event -- the Democratic convention -- that journalists describe as inherently unimportant.
Who was 'he'? I wish I remember. The only name I remember from last night is Sam Adams. But the point is still valid. If the convention is a pseudo-event produced for the benefit of the media, then by virture of getting invited, bloggers have become newsworthy."

Posted by Paul Tuns on July 26, 2004 in Weblogs | Permalink


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Did you notice that one of the bloggers, profiled in the WSJ piece you linked, is from Charlottetown, PEI?

Posted by: Homer | 2004-07-27 5:40:05 AM

Did you notice that one of the bloggers, profiled in the WSJ piece you linked, is from Charlottetown, PEI?

Posted by: Homer | 2004-07-27 5:41:04 AM

Did you notice that one of the bloggers, profiled in the WSJ piece you linked, is from Charlottetown, PEI?

Posted by: Homer | 2004-07-27 5:42:04 AM

Whoa! Sorry about the multiple posts, but when I hit the "Post" button there was no indication that anything was happening, so like with anything that appears to be broken, I just banged away at it! I shall now press the button once.

Posted by: Homer | 2004-07-27 5:44:29 AM

That happened to me earlier today, Homer. Somebody call IT!

Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-07-27 10:44:42 AM

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