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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It's official

Canada is now the dumbest nation in the northern hemisphere.

Posted by Kathy Shaidle on June 29, 2004 in Canadian Politics | Permalink


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Yes, Kathy, but we worked hard for that distinction. Who says dedication doesn't pay off in Canada?

A national ad campaign is just the ticket to soothe hurt feelings and celebrate what it means to be Canadian. "The Land Is Strong", with Canada geese defecating all over the landscape (thus demonstrating commitment to universality)? Some Liberal-friendly ad agency must have the ad in the archives and hey, they could charge for it again without doing any work.

If we all share the financial burden of increasing spending on medicare and setting up indoctrination centres for the play school set, maybe we'll all feel like one big family. So let's share the burden by imposing NEP-style taxation on Alberta oil companies.

If Paul Martin says anything about reaching out to the West, I'll lost my lunch.

Posted by: Charles MacDonald | 2004-06-29 9:07:03 AM

Actually, I did hear him say something about the West, so grab the pepto bismal (sp).

I have an even better idea: Let's revive that idea tabled by the Anti-Poverty Coalition gang a few years ago, of killing the Canada geese on Lakeshore Blvd and feeding them to the homeless!!

Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-06-29 9:25:47 AM

We'll have to use environmentally-responsible steel shot. And a registered 12 gauge (of course). And make sure there's no grain scattered within 100 metres of our firing position. And ensure compliance with the International Migratory Birds Convention.

What could be more Canadian?

Posted by: Charles MacDonald | 2004-06-29 9:35:57 AM

Or we could somehow trick them into flying into all those freakin' windmills they want to build! Then no bad naughty guns would be involved.

Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-06-29 9:55:03 AM

"Or we could somehow trick them into flying into all those freakin' windmills they want to build! Then no bad naughty guns would be involved."

That would be interesting to see. I believe the tips of the blades move at speeds approaching 400 kph. They're also razor sharp to reduce noise.

Posted by: Sean | 2004-06-29 11:32:01 AM

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