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Friday, June 18, 2004
Confession time
Michelle Malkin confesses to having an intellectual crush on Mark Steyn. And doesn't much care for Joe Conason calling Steyn a second-rate Maureen Dowd. Yeah, whatever.
But while we're confessing, I confess I have a huge crush on, well, Michelle. She's just sooo dreamy... No, my wife doesn't know. Why don't we have more conservative writers like her in Canada?
Posted by Kevin Jaeger on June 18, 2004 in Current Affairs | Permalink
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Isn't there a country we can make Michelle the queen of? She is the coolest.
I read that anti-Steyn piece and basically he seemed to be saying: Steyn can be a great writer but I don't like him anyway.
Jealous much?
Posted by: Kathy Shaidle | 2004-06-18 8:09:25 AM
Kevin, of course you know that we publish Michelle frequently in the Western Standard, including in the issue that rolls off the presses today!
Posted by: Ezra Levant | 2004-06-18 9:23:39 AM
To steal (and paraphrase) a line used by Mark regarding Condi Rice when I interviewed him last year, I would love to drown in the erotic braininess of Michelle Malkin.
Hmm, that actually sounds weird.
Posted by: Steve Martinovich | 2004-06-18 4:49:32 PM
An issue to be treasured, for sure.
Posted by: Kevin Jaeger | 2004-06-18 5:42:51 PM
I don't know how Malkin can publicly say such a thing. And even how she can feel it. She has a child (or is it two now?). Is this the type of thing she wants them to read in the future?
I am single, and Steyn is married. It never occured to me to have a crush on him. He's just not available. But I really enjoy his articles and learn from his wit and wisdom.
Sometimes things can be as simple as admiration.
Otherwise what she's feeling has crossed the line of Christian decency and reached narcissism. But what's new in this day and age. She's just acting like Madonna.
So, I'm intrigued. Is that what all this blogging is about?
What a way to over throw governments.
Posted by: Intrigued | 2004-06-19 7:20:10 AM
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