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Saturday, May 15, 2004
School firebombing
Two men were released after questioning; two others have been charged. They are:
Sleman Elmerhebi et Simon Zogheib. Also charged for being an accomplice after the fact is the mother of Mr Elmerhebi, Rouba Fahd Elmerhebi.
Posted by Norman Spector on May 15, 2004 | Permalink
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» 3 arrested in Montreal Jewish school fire-bombing from Being American in T.O.
May 15 - Jews relieved after firebombing arrests (and, I suspect, quite a number of non-Jews.) MONTREAL'S JEWISH community expressed relief yesterday after police said they had arrested five people in the widely condemned firebombing at a school last m... [Read More]
Tracked on 2004-05-15 7:05:20 PM
It's clear from their names that our official stance against racial/cultural profiling is a good thing.
These Irish lads should be off to gaol forthwith.
Posted by: Fred | 2004-05-16 9:29:43 PM
It took all weekend for the radio reports to give these folks names, rather than referring to them as "two 18 year olds and a woman in her 30s". I was about to call the CBC complaining abouttheir agist and sexist profiling when late Saturday the reports started using names.
Posted by: Mark C. | 2004-05-17 6:05:52 AM
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