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Thursday, May 13, 2004

Home of the boss jocks, eh!

One site that I like to look at posts all the CHUM "top 40" charts from 1957 to 1986. It's interesting to see the sorts of songs that Toronto radio listeners liked, and there are lots of surprises here.

[Rick's Miscellany]

Posted by Rick Hiebert on May 13, 2004 in Music | Permalink


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I've made several blog posts on the CHUM Chart myself over the last year, there's a few of us who used to collect them weekly who get all nostalgic about it. I grew up on the early 70's CHUM mix when songs like School's Out, Whole Lotta Love and Smoke On the Water would play back to back with Close To You, Puppy Love and Duelling Banjos. You couldn't do that on radio today, it's all niche programming now.

Posted by: Ron | 2004-05-14 5:50:46 AM

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