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Saturday, May 15, 2004


It did not work in the 1930s. It will not work now. Oh, and it is morally insane in any event.

The Al-Qaeda terror network views Canada as a legitimate target because it is a "selfish" nation committing "terrorism" against Muslims around the world, an unofficial spokesman for jihadists waging holy war against the West said Friday.

[Ghost of a flea with a hat tip to Urthshu]

Posted by Ghost of a flea on May 15, 2004 | Permalink


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» Terror watch in Canada from Being American in T.O.
May 15 - Khalid Khawaja, who is self-described as a friend of Osama bin Laden's, says Canada deserves bombing because it is a friend of the USA and Canada was mean to the Khadrs (which is grimly ironic, given that... [Read More]

Tracked on 2004-05-15 6:10:25 PM


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