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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Paul Martin to campaign on Pearson's legacy!

To expand on Kevin's last post, it looks like the Liberals have been busy steering their ship back to its usual path. Pettigrew has "clarified" his position while Paul Martin has been especially adamant at defending medicare:

This is the party, the Liberal Party brought into being the universal accessible public health-care system. That was our position at the time it was brought in, that is our position today and that will be our position tomorrow and for the years to come.

That's quite rich. Team Martin kept insisting that the Martin government had absolutely nothing to do, never!, with Jean Chrétien. Yet they are still intent on claiming the mantle of Lester B. Pearson 40 years after the fact. What's next? Is Martin going to claim credit for the successful Norway - I mean Normandy - landings conducted under Mackenzie King?

Posted by Laurent Moss on April 28, 2004 in Canadian Politics | Permalink


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After reading that early book on Martin (Double Exposure? I think Lawrence Martin was a co-author...), I recall that early on Paul Martin modelled himself after his dad Paul Martin Sr., who loved using government to blaze the trail and fix everything. It was only reluctantly that he adopted more conservative policies.

Well, now that he is P.M., Mr. Martin can safely fade to the left if he so wishes.

Posted by: Rick Hiebert | 2004-04-28 7:36:52 PM

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