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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Let's Start a Meme
I noticed that the great tax sucking monster known as the CBC has some bogus "greatest Canadian ever" thing going on.
Basically good Canadians get to vote for the greatest Canadian ever and then they will do a TV show about that person.
At least that is my understanding. I only gave the site a quick glance and I always have the Mute button on whenever the stupid commercial is airing on TV.
So I think we should start a campaign where we flood the site with votes for our own choice. This is something that we all could do on our blogs as well. Especially those with readership (Kathy, Damian, Colby etc)
People magazine did an online version of this a few years ago and Howard Stern's listeners made Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf the winner (or something)
Either way this could be fun.
We could either nominate a great Canadian right winger (although that might be an oxymoron).
Or we could nominate someone completely bogus like .... I dunno .... Patsy Gallant.
Remember that time she won all those Junos and she jumped up on the stage without using the steps and her dress came right up around her hips?
That was cool.
I would give serious consideration to Stompin Tom Connors however that isn't subversive enough. I don't think it would piss off the CBC.
Preston Manning would.
As would Brian Mulroney (hey that one's got promise)
Don Cherry (a little obvious but would again piss the politically correct crowd off to no end)
Mike Harris (yeah!)
Ralph Klein (double yeah!!)
Pam Anderson (cause well ... you know)
So how about it shotgunners. Anyone with me?
I have this theory that none of is read the blog we just post and ignore the other stuff. Let's see if my theory is correct.
If you want to check out the CBC site go here
Posted by Justin Bogdanowicz on April 27, 2004 | Permalink
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» Vote For Don Cherry from small dead animals
It has been decided. Vote for Don Cherry for the Greatest Canadian Ever and watch the CBC squirm. Now, go forth and spread the word. One vote per Canadian.... [Read More]
Tracked on 2004-04-29 10:00:33 AM
» Backlogged items from Ranting and Roaring
Vote for Don Cherry to be the Greatest Canadian ever. I did. And spread the word. ESR has an interview with Thomas Barnett, author of The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century, which I'm about... [Read More]
Tracked on 2004-05-04 8:10:10 AM
Ironically enough, I put in Howard Stern's name into this poll, to show what a joke it is.
Can the CBC ever stop wasting money on useless things? Only if it was completely destroyed.
We all know who the Toronto people will vote for: Pierre the Terrible.
Posted by: Scott M. | 2004-04-27 9:19:27 PM
I read the blogs. And if we really want to irk the CBC, the it's gotta be Stockwell.
Posted by: Kevin Libin | 2004-04-27 10:16:22 PM
Bobby Curtola! ;)
Posted by: Rick Hiebert | 2004-04-27 10:18:53 PM
I am worried that Pierre will win. That's why it would be funniest if Bryan Mulroney won instead.
It would gall the CBC to no end to have a hagiography of him on the network.
C'mon Gunners lets do it!!!
Posted by: The Meatriarchy | 2004-04-28 5:35:43 AM
I submitted a name about a week ago. I haven't heard back from anyone as yet and my nominee has not been listed.
I nominated Francois Beaudoin. If the CBC allows his name to stand, I would love to see the full court press to have him win it.
Posted by: Lawrence Garvin | 2004-04-28 7:18:10 AM
I think if you're gonna vote do it right and nominate the father of our country John A. Macdonald. Although I just know that the traitor riel will make the top ten and the CBC will ensure that Pierre will win.
Posted by: mark c. | 2004-04-28 7:26:32 AM
I nominated Don Cherry about 2 weeks ago. I don't think much else could tick the CBC exec's off any more that if Don took the title.
Posted by: Dana | 2004-04-28 7:45:47 AM
If we are going to break out of the bubble of conservative blog readers and get some average folks to vote for somebody other than Trudeau, better go with Don Cherry or Pamela Anderson.
Posted by: Mark C. | 2004-04-28 9:22:08 AM
Pick one already, so we can get on with stuffing the vote boxes.
Posted by: Fred | 2004-04-28 10:41:48 AM
My vote is for the band "Loverboy"!
Posted by: Joey deVilla | 2004-04-28 10:54:42 AM
I'll see your "Loverboy" and raise you a "Glass Tiger".
Posted by: Bob Tarantino | 2004-04-28 11:26:56 AM
I have to admit Loverboy isn't a bad one Joey.
Carole Pope perhaps? heehee.
Don Cherry is the one with the most legitimate shot of getting in because you can call every sport station and get them on the bandwagon.
Posted by: The Meatriarchy | 2004-04-28 11:39:03 AM
Has to be Don Cherry. The sports stations will love it. The CBC will puke.
Go Grapes Go.
Posted by: Jay Currie | 2004-04-28 1:12:09 PM
I nominated the Khadr family!!
Posted by: Abu Jimbola | 2004-04-28 1:41:11 PM
Don't blame me, I voted for Grapes.
(P.S. If he wins, do you think they will rename the new institute at U of T the Donald Cherry Institute for Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution?)
Posted by: Mark C. | 2004-04-28 6:36:54 PM
Another vote for Grapes, if we wish to emulate the This Hour Has 22 Minutes stunt. [Slamming Stockwell Day's policies on referendums by staging an internet straw poll to ask Stockwell
to rename himself Doris Day.]
I like that sort of idea. If the CBC can do it to poke fun at conseravtives, we can do it to make fun of the CBC, eh?
Posted by: Rick Hiebert | 2004-04-28 7:39:22 PM
Grapes is up on my blog with a direct link to the voting page...but I do like the Khadr family...too bad the rules say only a single person.
Go Grapes Go!
Posted by: Jay Currie | 2004-04-28 7:47:35 PM
OK Don Cherry it is.
Especially in light of the Globe and Mail story today about the CBC not renewing his contract.
That would really fix their collective wagons.
Posted by: The Meatriarchy | 2004-04-29 5:33:42 AM
I humbly request your consideration.
Jesse Brown
The Greatest Canadian
Posted by: Jesse Brown | 2004-04-29 9:56:43 AM
Check the CBC greatest Canadian site, the name "Pierre Elliot Trudeau" just leaps off the page! (just a "suggestion" from the People's Network of course).
Posted by: Ron | 2004-04-30 10:10:08 AM
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